Some of my thoughts on Manti Te’o

Before Manti ever spoke out on Katie Couric, he was a known liar and he admitted as much.  Not only did he lie once, he did it repeatedly.  According to ABC and CNN, he did three interviews after knowing the truth where he continued to perpetuate the lie voluntarily–where he continued to support his perpetrator in their game against him instead of calling him out or at least remaining silent in an attempt to coverup what happened.  It defies logic.

The first time was on December 8, 2012. The second one was December 11 (a newspaper interview which I have not located according to ABC news), and the last was with the New York Post on December 30  (scroll down to see quote).

Why would Manti, if he was legitimately duped by a scammer, continue to talk about the scam as if it never happened?  He is in essence supporting the perpetrator by doing this!

Manti never tells us that he was in denial about what happened.  He said he was confused, but if he was confused, why didn’t he demand answers from the perpetrator and/or keep silent until he figured it all out?  That is what honest people would do.

No, instead Manti does something that makes no sense –he keeps volunteering to talk about the fictitious person Lennay who he knew didn’t exist.  Honest people who were victims of this “story” Manti wants us to believe he was a victim of would never do this. Ever. It’s absolutely mind-insulting rubbish!  When we are embarrassed, we stop talking and we retreat. We don’t keep furthering the lie we’ve been told because it is flat out too painful.

This story isn’t just a story of a man who falls for a woman on internet, she dies and he finds out she is alive.
Oh no, its much more grandiose than that.  A man falls madly in love for a woman who he NEVER MEETS, she gets into a car accident and nearly dies, but he NEVER cares enough to go see her ever, and offers every excuse under the sun as to why they couldn’t arrange to meet (and they aren’t even logical reasons). Then she gets cancer.  Yeah, really! And then goes into a COMA–amazingly horrible luck, wouldn’t you say, and she miraculously comes out of he coma when he is talking to her on the phone (WHAT ARE THE ODDS?), and she then gets sent home from the hospital.  She leaves him a voice message that day, all feminine and sweet and sounding in good health (but oh don’t forget she is a man), and then, oops, she dies overnight unexpectedly.

You’d think that was quite a story, wouldn’t you?  But oh no, that is not the half of it. SHE actually calls him back and says SHE is alive.  That is huge, but finding out you weren’t in love with a woman BUT A MAN, wouldn’t that be equally or even more DEVASTATING?

If you notice, however, Manti never talks about his conversation with the GUY who duped him. He conveniently forgets that. He talks about HER calling him back saying she was alive but nothing else.  Yes, he conveniently forgets so many things, I could write a novel about this twisted individual. He has no memory of any actual conversations. He only recollects concepts and not conversations.

If people were to put themselves in Manti’s shoes and buy his “story” which is all it is, they would see that few people would come out unscathed and smiling like Manti. No, if we were duped for months by someone like Manti was, a normal honest person would come out seriously affected and likely emotionally damaged. They would have a horrible time trusting people again. They would feel outrageously and off-the-charts stupid and dumb. They would have no self-esteem to even be seen in public let alone talk about it. To simply say the word “Lennay” would be so painful it would bring people to dripping tears, if not even suicidal. But not Manti. He is always the exception time and time again, and when we see this many exceptions, the chances that this is a sick out-of-control lie skyrocket, folks, and we are on the moon already.

Imagine you were just told you won the lottery in an email and you believed it.  You tell the world that you have won a million bucks.  You get so happy, feel so good and then boom, you find out it was a scam. You didn’t win anything.  You were taken by an Algerian scam.  Are you going to go on TV and do interviews about other things AND bring up how you are still a winner?  Clearly you can see the insanity of this!  Of course you wouldn’t, if you were honest! If you were part of the scam, well, you might just keep perpetuating the story.

When I watched Katie Couric, every single word and movement of Teo wreaked of deception.  There wasn’t a sentence that supported the truth. Not one.  I will write about that next.