Jodi Arias’ Lies

If you’ve been watching Jodi Arias on the stand, there is no doubt you are frustrated this week. She is doing everything in her power to confuse, manipulate and control the flow of information from her to the prosecutor. She’s quite skilled at it, too, holding her ground on the most nuanced of information. You can’t help but be convinced by watching her that she knows every idota of detail about what happened to Travis, but alas, when questioned in detail, she claims a poor memory. Something happened she says that doesn’t remember stabbing Travis.

Yeah, right.

While I am behind on the trial, this video above is very noteworthy to me.  It’s from a week ago.

Jodi says when talking about holding the gun at Travis, “I was just pointing it at him. I didn’t even know that I shot him.  It just…went off and he was…he lunged at me…”

This sentence is a whopper to me.  We can clearly see cognition, which makes no sense. Furthermore, I thought she killed him in self-defense.  Now she says it was an accident? Which is it?

If I was confronted by someone and a gun went off, I’d say it was an accident.  How does Jodi go from this to self-defense? Did she talk about how Travis responded after this? I’d love to hear what she has to say and how this escalated into stabbing him nearly three dozen times! But I suspect, she doesn’t remember–nonsense!

She continues, “I didn’t mean to shoot….him…or anything.”

Her words here are mind-boggling. If you are pointing a gun in self-defense, you may not have wanted to shoot, but if you felt threatened enough you would, and you’d own that–even if you are sorry you killed someone.

Jodi seems to also forget that she should be feeling fear, shock, surprise, etc but she feels none of it!   Oops. Jodi talks without any supportive emotions whatsoever. It’s flat out inconsistent.

Furthermore, she tells us that she went to Travis’ closet where he kept a gun, and grabbed it.  Now, if she was truly fighting with Travis, who is considerably bigger than her, do you think he would have let her run to the closet?

And let’s just say for arguments sake, she did get to the closet: Do you think Travis would have just watched her grab the gun?  He would know exactly what she was going for, if he had a gun and likely would have intervened, wouldn’t you think?

But oh no, Travis doesn’t seem to be present in Jodi’s memories. Not at all.  Hmmm….Interestingly, Travis’ friends say he didn’t own a gun.

I don’t believe a word out of this admitted LIARS mouth!!