In the news…

I was reading the news tonight and I saw this photo of Matthew Warren.  He was the son of the well known Evangelical pastor Rick Warren. He has sadly committed suicide.

When I saw this photo, I was immediately taken back. Was this photo was given to the media by his family’s church?  Credit in the media goes to Saddleback Church.   I couldn’t help but wonder who took the photo because Matthew is clearly displaying contempt at the person taking the photo.  Contempt is a dislike, a disdain.

Had they known this and were able to verbalize that he felt this way, could the people in his life have dug deeper to find out why he felt the way he did?  Perhaps he felt alone and misunderstood.  I suspect they didn’t know that this is what this photo demonstrated because if they had, would it made it out to the media? 

Perhaps this is a wake up call for all of us to explore when someone feels such a strong emotion towards someone.  Why they are feeling it? Can we open up dialogue?  Can we help?  Can we dig deeper and try to understand?  Could it help a person on the brink?  Perhaps.

I’m not saying that people didn’t care or probe for Matthew.  The church says he had mental issues and suicidal thoughts.  They may very well have probed, but it gives you pause when you see this expression to consider it next time someone expresses contempt at you.  Why are they feeling this way?  Can you help them?

Of course, contempt can have many sources for its expression and many may not be any concern at all and there may be nothing you can do, but next time I see it in someone who is disconnected, it will give me pause.  Are they truly okay?

2 replies
  1. As I Weather the Storm
    As I Weather the Storm says:

    I wouldn't say that's contempt. Look, his right cheek, our left, is upward. He's showing a microexpression of happiness. The other side is normal placement. For contempt, the corner of one side of the lips would be down.

  2. chris
    chris says:

    To me it looks like he has a small smile on his face not contempt. No matter the look though it is a shame that he was in so much pain that he felt that the only thing he could do was to end his life. I will keep his family in my prayers.

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