Diana Nyad Talks

There is controversy swirling around Diana Nyad–did she do the swim from Cuba to Key West unaided? That’s the question.

In watching this video, I can honestly say that I am neutral after watching it. I don’t see anything that makes me believe her in this video and I don’t see anything that outright makes me think she is lying.

I do see oddities, but they are just that–oddities.  For example, she says, “I swam–we made it–our team from the rocks of Cuba to the beach in Florida at squeaky-clean ethical fashion.”

Her wording is usual — hence it is odd, and simply that.

I don’t hear her deny any cheating.  She may believe what she did was ethical, but that wouldn’t necessarily make it so.  Do you follow me?

Nyad talks about making her data available.  Why have they waited so long to do this?  This concerns me, but it is only a concern.

Toward the end of the video, she gives me confidence to believe her, but with the oddities above, I remain neutral.

Sometimes I need more to make a final opinion and this is one of them.

I was initially troubled by the fact she supposedly went 7.5 hours with no water or food when her body was in a high-risk dehydration situation and a calorie deficit.   I cannot fathom how one could do that, but I am not a scientist to know the limits of the body.  I also found her to be very ego-centric, which is always a concern for me.