10 replies
  1. Karon
    Karon says:

    I believe you are right on, Eyes. Chris strikes me as a very cold man, who picks up messed up people for his purposes. It is hard to say, which of the people, he chose to use(Wendy, Samuel or Aaron) was the most messed up.

    Aaron was not a bad person, and he certainly wasn’t a killer. He was so drug addicted that he was barely hanging on to who he really was. Wendy and her stories about talking to Jesus and taking courses from a Christian university, is a ridiculous person. She wants us to believe her spin while she has an affair with a married man and helps hatch murder plots. I nearly pulled my hair out trying to decide if she was sick, weak, just plain evil or, maybe, all three.

    Nancy seems like a good person, who truly seems dumbfounded by the whole mess.

    Samuel’s part in this whole thing is confusing. I couldn’t decide if he was still in love with Wendy or, if there was more for him to gain if Nancy was out of the way, and Wendy was married to this wealthy man.

    There were so many twists and hidden plots in all of this, and it was a real brain teaser. I don’t believe the truth has surfaced with any of these people. I am still shaking my head over this story!

  2. Karon
    Karon says:

    I believe you are right on, Eyes. Chris strikes me as a very cold man, who picks up messed up people for his purposes. It is hard to say, which of the people, he chose to use(Wendy, Samuel or Aaron) was the most messed up.

    Aaron was not a bad person, and he certainly wasn’t a killer. He was so drug addicted that he was barely hanging on to who he really was. Wendy and her stories about talking to Jesus and taking courses from a Christian university, is a ridiculous person. She wants us to believe her spin while she has an affair with a married man and helps hatch murder plots. I nearly pulled my hair out trying to decide if she was sick, weak, just plain evil or, maybe, all three.

    Nancy seems like a good person, who truly seems dumbfounded by the whole mess.

    Samuel’s part in this whole thing is confusing. I couldn’t decide if he was still in love with Wendy or, if there was more for him to gain if Nancy was out of the way, and Wendy was married to this wealthy man.

    There were so many twists and hidden plots in all of this, and it was a real brain teaser. I don’t believe the truth has surfaced with any of these people. I am still shaking my head over this story!

  3. Brent
    Brent says:

    This is a poignant story, with redemption and justice.
    Follow your conscience and great things can happen.

  4. Graham Strouse
    Graham Strouse says:

    I hope Mr. Wilkinson can get some help when he’s released. he’s not your flawed hero but a hero nonetheless.

    • Dana J Coleman
      Dana J Coleman says:

      He is..because the first time they did this no one stepped up..and my friends kids grew up without a father because of them.. The victum survived this time thanks to Aaron, so they couldnt twist the story and demonize the victum in court and get away with it again..

  5. Jen
    Jen says:

    What ever happened to Samuel Yenawine? The ORIGINAL hitman??? The police have a recording of Aaron & Sam discussing this which proves that Sam is the “original” hitman. Yes, Chris & Wendy conspired & should be charged, but… Aaron confessed immediately & didn’t go through with it. Are you telling me Samuel Yenawine got off Scott free???

    • Dana J Coleman
      Dana J Coleman says:

      I didnt see this when it originally aired, but Im about to find it online..so I dont know if it aired befor or after..but Sam hung himself in prison. I dont know if he’d even been convicted yet, but it was early June 2012…I knew him back in KY and his first victum..so I try to stay up to date on this case as much as possible..

  6. Dana J Coleman
    Dana J Coleman says:

    I never knew this was on Dateline..but I knew both Moore and Yenawine from when they lived in KY, befor during and after Sam’s first trial (was friends with the victum as well) ..and both are sociopaths, her maybe slightly even more than him.. She ran a prostitution ring out of the apartment above my friends place, and took men like Chris Latham for all they had (not that I dont think hes equally as guilty in this case)..Several people made calls to CPS because we knew the kids were up there during all this and nothing was ever done.. Sam was her go to when she needed anything done..especially when she didnt get what she wanted. Sam and Wendy were one in the same. They fed off of each others chaos and liked it.. Friends always suspected that she had a hand in the first murder Sam commited, because everyone of us who knew the first victum knew what was and had really been going on and had a good idea because of that as to what happened that night.. but in court, it was all hear say and Sam’s defense even if it was a lie was all that mattered.. Thats why when Sam killed himself, we all knew it was because he couldnt twist the story around and get by with it again, because the victum survived this time and was in court to tell her story..Wendy’s defense that she was “easily swayed” by men was the exsact opposite, she is a total sucubus and Ive seen it first hand, and the things she did to get what she wanted.. Im glad the courts finally saw through it and put her in a place she couldnt hurt anyone els for a very long time..Im just sorry that her and sam’s kids had to suffer, and there are 2 boys in KY that grew up without their father befor anything was done about it..

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