The Kelly Files Tonight

Tonight on FOX is the Kelly Files.  Megyn Kelly is having a retired CIA agent on who believes the parents of baby Lisa Irwin. Baby Lisa disappeared in October of 2011.

I have shared my opinion on the parents from day one, and I didn’t believe them. There are ample clues in nearly every interview they have done that does not support honesty.

In the video preview of the show tonight (above) of Deborah, the mom, we can clearly see her “thinking on her feet” as she answers the question posed by Phil Houston, and say she was “possibly not alert”.  Either she was alert or she wasn’t!  Why does she have to think to answer the questions and then not even give us  a concrete answer?  It makes no sense if she is being honest with us.

In reviewing video after video of the parents of baby Lisa, I can continually point out hotspot after hotspot after hotspot.

If anyone watches the show tonight and finds a clip of it and would like my thoughts, feel free to leave a comment.

2 replies
  1. Karon
    Karon says:

    There were several things that I picked up on that I didn’t believe were truthful. They glide over refusing any more interviews with the police by saying they had been in touch with police all along. Being in touch doesn’t mean giving an interview. They lawyered-up and refused to answer questions as soon as they realized that they were under suspicion.

    I am not sure that Jeremy fully supports his wife, because of some things that he said, early on. When someone asked him, ‘how this could happen’, he said something about a wife having an affair on her husband. In another interview she snapped at him when he said all the lights in the house were on. She snapped at him and said there were only two lights on in the house, not all of them. I am surprised that they are still together, in fact.

    Another thing I picked up on in this case, early on, was that she got defensive about drinking too much, and she said that she could do what she wanted after the kids were in bed. She said that was ‘her time.’ I remember thinking that I didn’t ever think that a time, day or night, was just ‘my time.’ If a baby needs you, it is their time.

    Many things could have happened. The best that I remember, the baby was slightly ill. The other children could have been trying to take care of the baby and dropped it, Deborah could have hurt it due to her drunken state. I, also, wondered if she had other people in the house after the neighbor went home. I remember her younger brother was with her when she bought the wine. After 4 years, I wonder if we will ever know for sure.

  2. Karon
    Karon says:

    I believe Deborah is rationalizing when she said this was planned, and it was going to happen, anyway. I have to wonder why she believes that. This could have been a neighbor walking down the street and seeing her very drunk and seeing her husband’s vehicle gone. This person could have realized that he could take advantage of the situation. I do believe, however, that the lights being on in the house would have deterred a lot of people. If someone had come in, they would turn the lights off, so that the neighbors wouldn’t see him leave out the door with the baby. A stranger wouldn’t have known that the baby wasn’t in the room with Deborah. He certainly wouldn’t want to take the chance of rousing her, while going thru a well lit house, looking for the baby. Taking three cell phones seems strange, too. If, as Deborah thinks, the person planned on taking the baby in advance, they wouldn’t linger long enough to take the cell phones and leave the lights on as they left. Supposedly, this person wouldn’t know if Jeremy might be returning any minute. This makes me wonder if Deborah knows or thinks she knows the person, very well. Then, we have the cadaver dogs indicating a death near Deborah’s bed. This story gets too involved and twisted to be true. It will boggle your mind if you think on it long enough.

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