Ravens Can Spot A Cheater


Ravens are phenomenally smart birds. If you haven’t kept up with the latest research on their intelligence, it is stunning. They actually remember where a fellow bird has been shot (in a farmer’s field) and will avoid it for a full two years afterwards. I saw this on a PBS special.

Now there is more research that once duped by another raven, a raven will remember who the offender is and will not cooperate with him/her again.

And ravens who successfully cheated out another bird seemed to show no remorse. If offered the opportunity to do it again, they do!

So next time you look at a raven, and think it is just a bird. Remember, its a thinking bird!

2 replies
    • Nerezza
      Nerezza says:

      My neighbour’s cat loves them too. Fortunately he’s the most ginger and white thing in the world. You could probably see him from space. The crows love teasing him.

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