January 6 Pipe Bomber Video

I was astounded by one thing when I watched the video of this man place his pipe bombs. It says something about his personality. Do you know see it and know what it is?

I will write it in the comments in the coming days.

13 replies
  1. clownfish
    clownfish says:

    He doesn’t seem in a rush and has a strange gait (his feet not headed anywhere in particular). Stretches his arms at the end.

  2. Lou Williams
    Lou Williams says:

    I think it’s a woman, from the sitting angle it looks like they could have breast shape. The stretching says to me they’ve been carrying the backpack on their shoulders and finding it heavy, the whole gait of the walk and even the shoe choice makes me suspect it’s a woman. They stand on their tip toes at the start just before the dog walker goes past, the whole movement is of a masculine build female to me and appears that they’re looking at or for something or someone – I’d like to know what was in the direction thry were trying to see. They seem flighty, a mix of focussed and yet scattered. In the beginning they look self assured but then nervous when people are around. I think they’ve walked this path a number of times before, rehearsed it…

  3. Eyes for Lies
    Eyes for Lies says:

    ANSWER: What strikes me in this video that reveals an attribute about this person’s personality is how their muscles are so relaxed when they walk. Notice their arm swinging without any tension in the beginning? Their legs also super relaxed in multiple clips–stunningly so! A tense person would have tight, tense, closed-off and more ridged body movements. Here you see more swing–that is not consciously done.

    That’s not to say there are times when this person’s situational awareness kicks in. It does and you see some change in body movements indicating some tension but it is short-lived.

    This person feels very low levels of FEAR by how they carry themselves as a whole, considering they are carrying a BOMB. People who fear low levels of fear? Psychopaths.

    Knowing this information will help you (a) identify this person, (2) interview them once they are identified. Through this information, you can make many deductions on how to handle this person going forward. We know the person is dangerous simply because they carry a bomb. But you have more information to know how it will pervade their entire existence.

  4. Russell Carr
    Russell Carr says:

    Watch the video see this person looks directly at these cameras as if he or she wants to been seen

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