Charles Erickson on Ryan Ferguson and The Crime

48 Hours ran the latest updates to the Ryan Ferguson story last weekend. The show was titled “The Accuser”.  I have been following this story since 2006.

For those of you who haven’t followed the story, you can read about the story here, and you can read my original thoughts on this case from February 2006 here. I titled the post “Confess to a murder you didn’t commit?”

I never believed Charles Erickson (who then went by the name “Chuck” back then)–not one time nor did I believe that Ryan killed Kent Heitholt.  Now for the first time, Charles speaks out about the case to 48 Hours.   He says he lied and wants to correct a wrong.

I have absolutely and 100% have stood by the fact that I believe Ryan Ferguson is innocent and honest, and had no part in the killing of Kent Heitholt. I have also said from day one that Charles Erickson was lying.

When I watch Charles Erickson speak to Erin Moriarty on 48 Hours, I do believe he is FINALLY BEING HONEST.  He is telling the truth!  He didn’t remember anything, and under pressure, he lied to save his own hide –obviously realizing he was in way too deep.

Charles said, “The reason I felt I needed to lie and make things up is because I couldn’t remember anything.”  This is the truth and it is sad to see the judge doesn’t believe it.

If there is one case in our justice system that I find horrifying, it is this case.  Ryan Ferguson should not be locked up and needs to be freed IMMEDIATELY.

Please support the Ryan Ferguson family any way you can.

I believe Ryan has the best and most capable attorney, Kathleen Zellner, helping his cause, but all her amazing work has yet to free Ryan — mind you however, I believe she will work tireless until he is freed, and he will be freed.  He has to be, if we want to have a fair system!!

Please show your support for Ryan on your Facebook page, website and with your friends.  Justice needs to be served and served now!!

Jodi Arias Take the Stand

To the surprise of many people, Jodi Arias took the stand in the murder trial of Travis Alexander yesterday.

We see a cold, calculating and manipulative woman playing the jury when we watch her talk.  She’s answer the questions looking straight at the jurors–hoping to convince them by the old myth of “direct eye contact” that she is being honest.  It’s going to backfire on her, if you ask me. I suspect the jurors will feel it is contrived and fake–playing to them to score points.

Jodi is a steely woman, and what many would call an “ice queen”–the typical traits of a psychopath.

Her soft near whisper demeanor is a weapon in her tool box as is her “innocent” and “frail” looks.  If you notice Jodi is wearing a short sleeve shirt to show off her small stature. She is hoping to convince a jury that she killed in self-defense, but if you know anything about this story, you will find that laughable.

When Jodi first killed Travis, she denied any involvement at all.  She told police she wasn’t at the scene.  Then when police confronted Jodi with evidence that she was at the scene (nude photos being one), she then tried to tell the police that two masked gunman broke into Travis’ house in the middle of the day and they simply killed him and left her go free. Her story was full of holes than as well–the biggest being a lack of supportive emotions–which I suspect we will continue to see as she tells her latest story.

But when Jodi found out she could get the death penalty, all of the sudden her latest story emgered:  she killed Travis in self-dense.  Yeah, she just happened to grab a gun and a knife in 50 seconds WHILE BEING ATTACKED (photos show the timeline) and killed him. I don’t think anyone will buy it.   This should not be the Case Anthony trial of the year. 

Jodi Arias is chillingly void of emotions.  She has them for herself, but no one else and trying to convince people that she was so scared for her life that she killed Travis will be entertaining to watch.

I can’t wait for the cross-examination. That’s when we’ll get to see this manipulator at her best!  Will she crack under pressure when she feels her life is on the line?  Will she be able to show any emotions at all?  That’s what I’m looking forward to.

 Stay tuned…

Shattered Dreams: Vote

I will share my thoughts either below in the comment section or in a new post. For those who are not following me on Facebook, my mom is dealing with a health issue right now and I may or may not be active in the next week depending on how things go. Please wish us luck. Thanks!

Jodi Arias Goes On Trial

For those of you who have followed my blog for years, or attended one of my law enforcement training classes, you’ve been introduced to Jodi Arias. She’s a soft-spoken, sweet demure woman who if you didn’t know any better could sell herself to you as a sweet, innocent religious woman who couldn’t harm a flea. But if you fell for her, you’d fall pray to one of the most serious psychopaths of our time. Think Casey Anthony.  News outlets are saying this is going to be one of the biggest cases of the year and I’m not surprised.

Before Jodi even went to trial for the murder of her boyfriend Travis Alexander, she has changed her story three times. First she says she wasn’t at the crime scene, but that changed that story when police confronted her with nude pictures of her and Travis on the day he was killed.

So Jodi’s next story?  It was that she was, in fact there, but she didn’t do it. She witnessed two “individuals” harm Travis. The problem, on the camera that showed Travis and her having sex, was a photo that was recovered by police that inadvertently captured Jodi dragging Travis’ body.


When that didn’t work, Jodi changed her story again to say, um, yes, she killed Travis, but it was in self-defense.  I can hear you all say in unison, yeah right!

Her attorneys are saying that she dropped Travis camera in the shower while taking pictures of Travis, and that enraged him — so he lashed out at her and she had no choice but to save her life and kill him.

Hmmm…the gun and knife that ravaged Travis’ body where just there and in reach for Jodi — no planning or effort needed.  It’s flat out laughable!

And add to the facts that Jodi Arias never called police. She just fled the scene.  The odds of her getting off, if you ask me, are one in a million.

Dan Abraham has come out saying that he believes Jodi Arias is claiming self-defense to try to avoid the death penalty.  Yes, Jodi Arias is facing the death penalty if convicted.

But it gets more stunning — Jodi Arias tells Inside Edition in a last ditch effort to manipulate, “No jury is going to convict me…because I am innocent, and you can mark my words on that one. No jury will convict me.”

This time, Jodi, the only one you are successfully manipulating is yourself.  We all see you clearly for who you are:  a raging psychopath.

I didn’t know half the facts we know today about this case, but I didn’t believe a word out of Jodi Arias’ mouth when I first saw her on 48 Hours four years ago. You can read my thoughts here.

Mystery on Twin Peaks Drive: 48 Hours Saturday

I will be tuning in, will you?