Jodi Arias Take the Stand

To the surprise of many people, Jodi Arias took the stand in the murder trial of Travis Alexander yesterday.

We see a cold, calculating and manipulative woman playing the jury when we watch her talk.  She’s answer the questions looking straight at the jurors–hoping to convince them by the old myth of “direct eye contact” that she is being honest.  It’s going to backfire on her, if you ask me. I suspect the jurors will feel it is contrived and fake–playing to them to score points.

Jodi is a steely woman, and what many would call an “ice queen”–the typical traits of a psychopath.

Her soft near whisper demeanor is a weapon in her tool box as is her “innocent” and “frail” looks.  If you notice Jodi is wearing a short sleeve shirt to show off her small stature. She is hoping to convince a jury that she killed in self-defense, but if you know anything about this story, you will find that laughable.

When Jodi first killed Travis, she denied any involvement at all.  She told police she wasn’t at the scene.  Then when police confronted Jodi with evidence that she was at the scene (nude photos being one), she then tried to tell the police that two masked gunman broke into Travis’ house in the middle of the day and they simply killed him and left her go free. Her story was full of holes than as well–the biggest being a lack of supportive emotions–which I suspect we will continue to see as she tells her latest story.

But when Jodi found out she could get the death penalty, all of the sudden her latest story emgered:  she killed Travis in self-dense.  Yeah, she just happened to grab a gun and a knife in 50 seconds WHILE BEING ATTACKED (photos show the timeline) and killed him. I don’t think anyone will buy it.   This should not be the Case Anthony trial of the year. 

Jodi Arias is chillingly void of emotions.  She has them for herself, but no one else and trying to convince people that she was so scared for her life that she killed Travis will be entertaining to watch.

I can’t wait for the cross-examination. That’s when we’ll get to see this manipulator at her best!  Will she crack under pressure when she feels her life is on the line?  Will she be able to show any emotions at all?  That’s what I’m looking forward to.

 Stay tuned…

1 reply
  1. Jenna I
    Jenna I says:

    Ditto Eyes, all this ex boyfriend junk is putting me to sleep. If the defense strategy is to somehow show how she has had more than her fair share of awful boyfriends, it is failing. If anything it shows that she can&#39;t go very long without having someone in her bed.<br />It will backfire.

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