5 Year Anniversary Today

This week marks two major milestones for me. It’s my 5 year blog anniversary, and my 15th wedding anniversary. Where have the years gone?!

It’s been an incredibly journey and an amazing experience writing this blog. I met the coolest people, and I have received some incredible invitations because of it. Thank you for all of you who have reached out to me.

Multicolored balloons

Thanks to all of my readers who make this blog everything that it is. I so appreciate all the story suggestions, thoughts and ideas, and I love the free flow of information and sharing that goes on in our exchanges.

Warmest regard to you all. ~ Yours truly, Eyes

4 Year Blog Anniversary

Today marks the 4th year that “Eyes for Lies” has been blogging and bringing you the truth before it was known. It’s been another successful and rewarding year.

The one case that is questionable in my four years of blogging and that one could suggest affects my perfect track record would be the JonBenet Ramsey case. It all depends on how you feel.

John Ramsey was cleared by District Attorney Mary Lacy, but her move was quite controversial.

I’d be honored if you, my readers, would share your thoughts about my blog, your interest in it, how long you’ve been reading it, and what you think about my track record. Anonymous comments are allowed.

Thanks for all your commitment and interest in my blog. May we have another successful and rewarding year! May the truth prevail!

Three Year Blog Anniversary

This week represents my three year blog anniversary (and my thirteenth wedding anniversary). Woohoo! I did it!

I have blogged about hot topics in the news for three years now sharing what I saw as the truth before the truth was known, and I have hit bulls-eye every time during the past three years (from what we know to date).

Oiy, that’s a bit daunting to write!

Read more Okay, I’ll admit it, I feel a natural instinctual desire to get up and run from from my desk after writing that. That’s a hard milestone to beat (gulp)! Writing that makes my heart pound. Yes, it is emotional for me. It freaks me out just a bit yet I am very proud.

I knew I could read people really well, but I never imagined I could be this accurate. I try not to think about it as it is overwhelming at times, and that overwhelming feeling starts to shut me down. I don’t want to go there! I shall forge ahead bravely…

I do expect to be wrong once and a while — please know that. If anything, it will show I am human and not machine. Right?

In the Wizard’s Project (scientific research project), in which I participated, no wizard (me included) was 100% accurate. In my personal life (off line), I do miss the mark — I want you to know that –though it is uncommon. I don’t want there to be any secrets!

Wizards are at least 80% accurate,
but no wizard is 100%.

I have never promised anyone I am flawless. Good, yes! Flawless, no!

Will you remember that when I miss the mark online one day? Will people be forgiving, or judge me harshly on one error? Scary thoughts!

During the last three years, I have had the honor to meet some exceptional people through my blog — people who have been inspirational to me. Thank you to all of you who have reached out to get to know me and share a part of yourselves.

When you write about people on the web today, you have a broad reaching audience. It is very likely the people you write about will read what you have to say. While I haven’t heard from any of the people suspected or convicted of a crime, I have heard from several homicide investigators, victims, family members and friends of victims. Plus, I’ve been introduced to some exceptional people who practice medicine, law and teach at universities — around the globe.

It has been the victims, family members and friends that have really inspired me through their feedback to keep going. They encourage me during difficult times in their lives to keep fighting for justice for all those who are unable.

Many thanks to my faithful readers!!