A Master Manipulator?

Here is an interesting video of a manipulator, Bentley Williams, on The Bachelorette, smoozing up to Ashley Herbert, while he dishes his real feelings to the camera–that Ashley isn’t his type. He is mean, calculating, and missing normal emotions of empathy, if you ask my opinion. The instant I saw him on TV, he turned me off. The entire video is interesting to watch, if you are fascinated by human behavior like I am.

If you watch his facial expressions with Ashley, they do not match what he tells her. He rarely, if ever gives a Duchenne smile. This guy gives off all the clues one needs to know he wasn’t genuine, if you know what to look for!

Emotional Display

A reader on twitter asked me if this woman is truly sad.  Do you think her emotional display is true and genuine or not?  Check back in a couple of days to see my response in the comment section!

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Raw Emotions

<br /><a href="http://video.msn.com/?mkt=en-us&#038;vid=cad24c45-b0ac-4546-a36b-a1e0276251d8&#038;src=OverlayPlayer:embed:&#038;fg=sharenoembed" target="_new"title="Beagles Welcome Soldier Home">Video: Beagles Welcome Soldier Home</a>

A Woman Out of Control

This is a sad story to see. Little Kathleen Edwards, 7, is seeing the worst of humanity in her dying days. She has Huntington’s Disease, and Jennifer Petrov, the neighbor across the street has been terrorizing this little girl and her grandmother. I think most people will be sickened by Jennifer’s callous and cruel behavior regardless of the reason.

Read moreAfter Fox News aired the segment about her and showed Jennifer’s lack of self-restraint and inability to control her emotional outbursts, Jennifer received death threats, took down all of her tormenting Halloween stuff aiming at hurting the dying little girl’s family, and put it away and issued an apology. Sadly, the apology holds little value.

When I watch Jennifer, I noticed as she gives her apology, she squints her eyes, which is a sign of anger. She still hasn’t let it go, but obviously felt enough pressure to cave in. She says, “To that little girl, I apologize if you’ve been hurt (she shows frustration with her mouth here). There is not much more I can say, and hopefully, we can live our lives peacefully from now on.”

To that little girl? “If” she was hurt? “Hopefully”? What a poor apology. That’s all I can say.

This woman, Jennifer Petrov, is everybody’s worst nightmare for a neighbor!! It makes me nauseated to see this!! She truly needs help.

The Smile Game

womansmouth with lipstick

Here is a fun game for you. It’s called the smile game! Here is more info.

Thanks to the kind reader who sent this to me.