Bill Cosby Speaks Again in Bizarre Interview

ABC News Videos | ABC Entertainment News

This is a truly bizarre interview with Bill Cosby.

Lindsey Davis asks Cosby, “If a young person were to come up to you and say my mom says you did some bad things….are you guilty, did you do it, are the allegations true?  What would you say?”

Bill Cosby rambles on and says absolutely nothing coherent.  I am sure a lot of people are scratching their heads.

Cosby says, “I am prepared to tell this young person the truth about life. I’m not sure that they will come like that. I think many of them say, ‘Well, you’re a hypocrite. You say one thing, you say the other. “My point is, ‘OK, listen to me carefully. I’m telling you where the road is out. You want to go here or you want to be concerned about who is giving you the message?'”

At this point, we have to wonder, is the “King of Attention” breaking under the stress of his exposure and mentally flipping?  Or do we have the “King of Manipulation” playing another game on us?

Both are entirely plausible options!

I do not have enough information from this interview to tell you. I would need to observe Cosby further to say with any certainty.  Does he speak to the students in Alabama today as intended and come across totally normal?  If he does, then we know we have our answer!

What do you think?

Bill Cosby’s Leaks

Everyone knows Bill Cosby doesn’t want to speak or address the accusations made by 16 women.  And why would he?  Being silent has worked for him for decades.  Furthermore, we all know the more one speaks if he is guilty, the faster he will hang the noose around his neck. But even without Bill Cosby speaking very much, in the little he has spoken, he has shown very supportive behavioral evidence that he is quite capable of the accusations made.  Mind you, I have already seen two women speak out and believe them, and we can’t have both sides being honest, but I want to share what Bill Cosby is revealing and what it means.

Bill Cosby did an interview on November 6, 2014, with an Associated Press reporter (see above).  They released this video amidst allegations.   In this video, we see Cosby ask the reporter not to air his reply that he doesn’t want to speak about the accusations. That in and of itself says little.  However, it is HOW he broached the topic with the reporter that is very revealing and quite telling of the type of person the real Bill Cosby is.  Listen to what Bill Cosby says.

He says, “I know I didn’t say anything, but I’m asking your integrity that since I didn’t want to say anything, but I did answer you in terms of ‘I don’t want to say anything, of what value will it have?'”

The use of the word integrity here is stunning.

Bill Cosby, whose integrity is being questioned, is telling this reporter that essentially if he airs this video, he has no integrity.  That’s jaw dropping how he turns the tables.

The reporter never promised him anything and Cosby’s admits it, yet Cosby is twisting the facts and being extremely manipulative.  This action by Cosby says a ton about his personality and it is anything but “Huxtable” in quality.   Instead, he is skillfully trying to put his lack of credibility or integrity in question on this reporter!  This is jaw dropping and not the behavior of an ethical, honest or decent man.

If I witnessed this in person, my trust would be revoked for him immediately by these actions alone.

Cosby goes even further with this young reporter and says, “I think if you want to consider yourself to be serious that it will not appear anywhere.”

This is a threat in no simple terms.

Cosby is basically saying if you want to be a serious professional here, you better not do this.  He is implicating without saying it directly that he will make sure the guy is not taken as a serious reporter if he leaks it!  Why else would he say this?

The reporter did absolutely nothing wrong, and yet Cosby has leveled two serious attacks on him trying to implicate him as unethical and unprofessional if he doesn’t do what Cosby wants!  When the entire time it is Cosby who is being questioned for being unethical and unprofessional.  Cosby tries to the turn the tables with incredible ease!!  It’s flat out chilling. He is a man who is used to wielding extreme manipulation and control on people. I can assure you honest people with integrity would never speak like this to someone.  It is highly supportive that Cosby is everything he is being accused of and maybe more.

And that’s not all Cosby has revealed.

He told a reporter on Friday in Florida, “I know people are tired of me not saying anything, but a guy doesn’t have to answer to innuendos.”

This statement is hotter than a potato coming out of a brick oven!

If you are accused of being a serial rapist who drugged women, would you refer to this as “innuendos”?  I would bet my last dollar you would not.  You would flatly DENY the allegations, but Cosby has yet to deny anything. Ever.

You should take notice.

And instead of a flat out rejecting of the accusations, he softens them to the point of absurdity with the word “innuendos”.

Add to that he doesn’t even put himself in the equation.  He says “a guy”.  He does not talk in first person. It’s highly notable.

People who do harm to others in society often have a horrible time saying the things they’ve done, because its too close for them to utter the words. They are too hard to say if they are, in fact, guilty. Murderers will often say the person “died” or “disappeared” but cannot say murder or killed.  And here we have Cosby who can’t say “rape”, or even put himself in the same sentence.

So Cosby gives us really strong behavioral evidence that is supportive he is not honest.  We can clearly see that he is extremely manipulative and controlling, and lacks integrity to turn the tables so fast on an innocent reporter.  Now add that, you have 16 women coming forward who show no evidence that is contradictory to their stories, and tell me who you believe…

Think of all the innocent people you have seen in your life who were accused of a serious crime and who refused to speak.  How many can you think of?  I ask you, my readers, to try to think of people who refused to speak when accused of one or more serious crimes who turned up to be innocent.  Can you think of anyone?   I can’t think of one, but I am willing to try to find an example.

People will tell you who they are, if you just listen.

“Your actions speak so loudly, I can not hear what you are saying.”

–Ralph Waldo Emerson


Practice with Pawn Stars

If you want to practice your skills at understanding human behavior, there is no better place to start than watching people negotiate.

If you are good at understanding others, in negotiations you will be able to call people out as honest when they tell you this is their final offer.  Or you will be able to know when someone is bluffing and there is still room for negotiation.  And there is no better TV show for this than Pawn Stars on the History Channel (U.S.)

I love watching negotiations and calling out the bluffs or seeing when someone else misses the cues and tries to continue when its truly over. It’s heaps of fun and the best part?  You get immediate feedback on if you saw it correctly or not. If not, maybe watch it again and see if you can identify what you’ve missed.

In the video above, they don’t do much negotiating, but you can clearly identify anger in the guy who wants to sell his statue.  Notice how he glares over his glasses?  It’s a look that is very telling that he is not pleased.

How often are you right? It will give you a measure of how good you are at reading people!

I love doing this for fun.

In control of your emotions? Maybe not…

When people commit suicide we are often left wondering why. Why were they not able to control their emotions? Did they suffer from mental illness? It seems so “off balance” when someone takes their own life to the average healthy person. It seems like such a dramatic choice because most of the time there seems to be solutions to what appears to be short-term crises.

What if scientists told you that people who commit suicide don’t have the same responses as you or I do? That they have a different chemical makeup? That they can’t control their emotions. Would you believe it?

Would it surprise you?

In fact, that is what scientists are finding. They have identified an altered chemical state in one of the genes of people who have faced suicidal thoughts or actions. And what’s cool about this is one simple blood test in the future may be able to prevent such a horrific outcome by identifying the problem before it becomes a problem.

I am not surprised at all because I believe we are much more chemically and biologically controlled than any of us would believe.

You can read more here!

Do you think you are in control of your body, or do you think your body controls you more than you realize?

Shanesha Taylor Leaves Kids in Hot Car

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Shanesha Taylor claims desperation as the reason she left her kids in the car in Arizona when she went into a job interview. She left two very young children, 2-years and 6 months, in their car seats with the windows cracked only an inch with the keys in the ignition. When the children were rescued, it was already 100 degrees inside the car.

This week prosecutors dropped felony charges, if she attended programs for parenting and substance abuse.

I am troubled by Shanesha’s responses in this interview. The way Shanesha talks about the babysitter and the reason she didn’t have one is hot for me. You can clearly see her speech patterns change, and what I call “thinking-on-her-feet behavior”. She doesn’t appear to be recollecting what actually happened. This is a huge red flag.

I seriously question if she ever had a babysitter.

When Matt Lauer asks Shanesha, “Despite the circumstances, did you act reasonably and responsibly?”

Listen to Shanesha’s response.

She says “That’s a difficult question”.


I can understand she may have made a bad decisions because of stress, but I don’t understand not owning up to it now–especially considering she is getting a second chance!

She doesn’t yet own what she did was dangerous, and furthermore her answer shows no emotional compassion (regret/remorse) that she nearly killed her kids with her poor decision making at a supposed time of “crisis”.

With this response, I am worried for Shanesha’s children. People only make changes when they are willing to own up to their shortcomings and claim the errors that they made. No one is perfect, but given a second chance if she cannot clearly see what she did was the wrong choice, she has a high propensity to make the same decision again, and this next time could cost her children’s lives.

I am also sad that so many people stood up to help her when she shows no remorse or compassion for her children, the danger she put them in, and for her bad judgements.