Women in red: What does it say?

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There is an interesting study about how the color red influences our beliefs on the person wearing it! Check this out…

Women don’t trust other women who wear red around their spouse or significant other!

How Chewing Gum Affects Your Perception

It’s probably contrary to what you think, but I also think it depends on how you “chew it” too!

What I think we see here is that “stiff people” are perceived as cold. Movement causes us to relate more to people and it makes them more approachable.

However, I also suspect if you have a bunch of people chewing with disregard (i.e. smacking lips, making noises, opening their mouth wide), it would turn back the other direction and people would see them as unreliable and quirky and likely side with the person who is not moving.

More on chewing gum: Did you know it increases your cognitive ability and aids in concentration? And it may be better than caffeine in durations shorter than 20 minutes?  Who knew?

So what is the verdict: Will you now chew gum?

Kid Camp Letter Home

Here is a hilarious letter supposedly sent home from an 8-year old boy at summer camp (click link, scroll down to photos).

I honestly don’t buy this was written by an child, but it is humorous nonetheless, and thought you’d enjoy a good laugh!

Why don’t I believe this?

Most kids wouldn’t want to admit they had “diyareeya”. They would be too embarrassed.

I also cannot imagine kids being allowed to eat that many push-pops — due to the cost alone — let alone health conscious parents screaming back that this is rotting their kids teeth out!

And most kids wouldn’t want to use a stranger’s tooth brush. They scream cooties!

Plus, a rifle? Seriously? In today’s day and age–at a camp with kids?  I don’t see it.

But I have to say this woman does find the funny spots. For that, I give her kudos!

Two Strangers Kiss

This is a great video to see how well you read people.  Look at the match-ups of strangers. They are about to kiss.  Can you tell by looking at their faces (facial profiling) which pairs will physically connect on their first kiss as total strangers?

Look at their faces.

What do you think their preferences are?

Are they pleased with their match?

Are they attracted?

Do they look alike?

What does their body language tell you?

I will give you a hint:  people who look alike are often attracted to teach other. People who don’t–usually aren’t!

I felt a wave of nerves rush over me when I watched this video.  Do you think that is caused by mirror neurons?  I do.

Mass Shootings Preventable?

CBS 60 Minutes this past Sunday aired an interesting story on mass shootings.  I think regardless of which side of the political line you stand, we are all likely to agree that mental illness is something we need to address and deal with. 

When you hear that more than half of the mass shootings happened by people who were mental ill, it is staggering.