Are you emotionally intelligent?

adriantarsukoff / Pixabay

adriantarsukoff / Pixabay

There is so much information on the Internet today, you probably feel like I do: it’s information overload. And if you are a specialist in one area or another, you see there is a lot of misinformation out there as well. It’s rampant and staggering!

I specifically see a lot of inaccurate information about understanding human behavior, spotting deception and emotional intelligence.  So many people are trying to sell you ways to be emotionally more intelligent, and most of it is nonsense.

But I did see this article today and I thought it was very well written:

15 signs that you’re emotionally intelligent, even if it doesn’t feel like it

Give it a read.I agree these are signs of an EI person! Of course there is more, but if you tick these off–it’s a great sign!


A by-product of my training course is an elevated EQ. Have you thought about attending my course?  See below for more information!

Home Invasion Suspect Says Sorry

Caleb Williams, 21, broke into a home with two other people. He knew people were home when he went in. In this interview, he says he is sorry about what he did.

Do you believe him?

I think this interview will cause a split in how people see him. I suspect it will be pretty divided. What do you think? Do you think Caleb is honest or lying?

You can read the news story here.

What is the secret to success?

geralt / Pixabay

I have always believed that the truth naturally rewards you with self-confidence, and telling lies naturally brings on insecurity, self-doubt and poor self-esteem, and so with that, I have chosen to be exceptionally honest in my life.  As I matured into adulthood, however, I was stunned to find many people, even experts, don’t believe you can or should be honest. They believe lies are essential–a required element in life.

This has always perplexed me, and I can tell you few people see it like I do.  So when I was reading online the other day and I opened up a link–I was pleasantly surprised at what I read.  I found someone who is only mentioned by his first name, Peter, because he is an angel investor, but what he said was so beautiful to read!

Peter was quoted by Rebekah, who wrote the article, and shared her conversation with Peter about the secret to success.

Rebekah expected Peter to say all the things most people tell you about achieving success–“never give up” to the old cliche slogans on t-shirts, but he didn’t.

What did Peter say was the secret to success?

He said it “…is to never, ever, ever tell a lie”!

Imagine that?

He then went on to say…

“Complete honesty is the access to ultimate power.”

Think about it.

It’s true.

I have always lived by the principle of honesty in my life and it truly has rewarded me over and over again. I honestly can’t think of one negative that has come from being honest.  Not one.

I just love how Peter said it!

Complete honesty does give you power for many reasons. Not aggressive negative power, but positive power. It fills your sails–it propels you forward with self-confidence.  Furthermore, you are upfront with yourself because you have to own up to your failures. You can’t hide them or run from them–sweeping them up or ignore them because you are honest and you will talk about them and acknowledge them.

Instead, by facing your failures–you make changes. You grow and learn, and move on to new and better experiences.  And that gives you more self-confidence.  You begin to believe in yourself more and more, because you are building everything on honesty and integrity.

You also learn that when you admit your failures, people don’t actually judge you nearly as harshly as you thought!  Most people understand we all make mistakes! It’s when people don’t admit to their mistakes that people judge harshly.

Furthermore, when you tell the truth, you aren’t overloaded with managing your lies, and you can focus on what is truly important. You also won’t contradict yourself down the line, or say things that are inconsistent. So many people are inconsistent on a daily basis and have no clue–because they aren’t honest with themselves, let alone other people.

People do catch on to lies–no matter how subtle, and they take notice and just one lie caught can cause people to distrust you. And those lies do hurt you in business and in your personal life.

There really isn’t one positive element to lying.

When you lie, you come across as insincere, fake and not genuine. Who wants to be seen like that?

So next time you talk to someone–pay attention. Are you about to tell a lie?

Do you really have to lie?  Or can you say something else?

I believe you can always be honest, polite and never rude or offending.  The key is to focus on what is true and positive, and take honesty step-by-step.

Give it a try and tell me how it goes. It truly is a beautiful feeling to always be honest, and in the end, it may help you achieve the success you’ve always dreamed about!

Big Data and Human Behavior

Every now and then you see something startling–something that bends your mind.  It’s rare, not often–maybe once a year, if you are lucky. And when you see it, it captivates you. It jars you. You are drawn in and as you listen, time flies at the speed of light. That’s what happened to me last night when I watched PBS’ The Human Face of Big Data.

If you are like most people, when you hear the words “big data”, you cringe. How can it be any good, right? People are tracking our lives and what we do more than ever before in history.

What is big data? Listen here.

Every two days now we are storing more information than all of history up until 2003. That’s staggering!   We’ve lost our privacy, we are being targeted by ads more precisely and invasively than ever, and big data knows just about every single thing we do each day! How could that be a good thing?   If you fear big data, of course there is reason to, I can’t say there isn’t. This show talks about that, too.

But there is an incredibly positive side to big data that is astounding, and no I haven’t just bought a bridge!

This PBS show demonstrated that we are in a “data revolution” and it will change your life and my life forever–rapidly–with progress we haven’t seen in our lifetimes.   The growth we are going to experience in understanding human behavior and our health in the next ten years is going to be mind-bending.  I am that excited about this!

You see, big data reveals invisible, never-before seen patterns about us as humans.  It reveals how we behave, about our health, and what we do on a level none of us have ever seen before, and what it reveals is startling, fascinating and exciting!

It makes science-fiction look dull.

In this one-hour show, what data has uncovered will literally stop you in your tracks.

By watching Google searches (as seen in the video above), researchers found that they could predict the flu a full two weeks before the CDC.

In the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU), when babies get an infection, it is very serious and often life-threatening.  One person decided to track every bit of data they could from these babies, and they found there are signs that babies give in their data that signify an infection is starting–long before we ever see a thing!  Isn’t that amazing??

By tracking mobile users in malaria-infected areas, we are now able to much more effectively treat malaria and have brought infections down by 25%!

Boston now takes data from a mobile app called “Street Bump” that tracks locations and bumps in the road as you travel, and feeds that data back to the city to make repairs for potholes!  Another app watches people’s behavior and can predict depression two days before actual symptoms appear.  How is that? People who are depressed stop going out, and slow down their interactions with others via social media and email.

Think about how powerful data can be! It will revolutionize how we understand our world, each other and ourselves without question!

I can’t even do this show justice talking about it. You have to see it. This is our future. This data revolution is going to change all of our lives and what we learn will be incredible, amazing, scary and shocking.

You just have to check out this show! It’s one-in-a-million!

What does the ideal man looking like around the globe?

fancycrave1 / Pixabay

An online doctor website did an interesting study. They sent graphic designers around the world a photo of a man, and asked them to mold him into the “perfect person” that would be found attractive in their respective societies.  It’s quite fascinating to see how culture, and society define beauty quite differently.  This experiment really shows it off.

Take a look.

What thoughts do you have when you see this?

Here is the female version of the study.