Expression of the Day

Baby, Emotions, Joy, Delight, Portrait, Child, Pens

All people are capable of making a “social smile”, which is an expression of emotion that isn’t genuinely rooted in true happy feelings, but is rather an expression of social pleasing. It’s a smile we put on for other people, when we don’t necessarily feel happy.

For example, someone may say to you “You look fabulous today” when you aren’t really feeling it. You know that smile you make at that point?

Yes, that is a social smile.

It’s actually very different from a smile you would make if I were tell you that you won the lottery and you believed me! Different facial muscles are activated in a genuine versus a social smile.

Some people have very balanced facial features and when they make a social smile, it can be very convincing that they are truly happy when, in fact, they are masking their true emotions.

Can you easily spot a social smile?

Is the girl above giving a genuine smile or a social smile?

The Evasive Betsy DeVos: A Great Study

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If you caught CBS 60 Minutes this weekend, you got to watch the U.S. Secretary on Education, Betsy DeVos, answer pointed questions. She was a fascinating study in human behavior!

DeVos is highly skilled at the “social” or shall we say “fake” smile. She pulls it off with ease and I no doubt that many people looking at her smile would say she is sincere. Can you see that?

She’s also highly skilled at saying what she wants you to hear–directly avoiding answering questions of her.

This is a highly manipulative technique.

When people chose not to answer questions directly, that should be a huge red flag for you. When people are manipulative to this degree, I say WOW– take notice!

What good comes of this behavior?  I say that seriously.

People who are honest are happy to answer questions and talk about all facets of a situation.

Liars, however, will try to direct you to only what they want to talk about, which will never benefit you.  Only them.

Did you find this interview interesting?

Expression of the Day

Jackie Martinez (#31103)

Genuine or social smile?  You tell me.