Listening to the Voice

By Paola Sparta

Have you ever listened to how people greet each other?  While the words are very telling, so is the tone, pitch and volume of the voice.

If you are in an environment where you can listen to a person greet different people over several days such as an office, you do not need to know the person, or the people they greet–nor do you need to see them.  You simply have to hear them greet people to know precisely who they like and who they don’t.

It’s quite fascinating. 

When someone comes along that a person likes, the tone, pitch and volume of their greeting will communicate an upbeat tone.   And when it is someone they dislike, these three elements will vary down dramatically.

Be careful though, in observing this theory, you may not like what you find when this person greets you!

Sometimes that’s too much information, but very revealing nonetheless.

DC Sniper Malvo Talks to Schatner

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Did you catch the A&E special last week called “Confessions of the DC Sniper with William Shatner: An Aftermath Special”? It was hosted by William Schatner.

Lee Boyd Malvo confessed to new details about his killing rampage with John Allen Muhammad. Muhammad was executed last year in Virginia. The duo were originally linked to 17 deaths in 10 states, but Malvo upped the number to 42 while talking to A&E.

While I wish they had a face-to-face interview instead of a recorded phone call so I could determine if Malvo was being honest, what stood out to me most was Malvo’s matter-of-fact tone when he talked about such horrific events. You can hear this in the video above… What do you hear when you listen to Lee Malvo?