Criminals Look Different From Non-Criminals

Arrest © 2009 Dani | more info (via: Wylio)
Here is a fascinating article in Psychology Today by Satoshi Kanazawa, an evolutionary psychologist at London School of Economics.

The article talks about how people can identify criminals in a list of photographs from non-criminals.  Does it surprise you?

I am a firm believer that our face communicates information about us, and this study doesn’t surprise me in the least. I can look at a face and know immediately if I should have concern. I believe this is one element that helps me be stellar at deception.  Faces give me a wealth of information which I draw upon to determine if someone has a higher propensity to be deceptive, dangerous, etc.

Personality (Facial) Profiling is very powerful and one of the tools that I have drawn on all my life. I thought everyone did this until scientists told me otherwise…

I have profiled the faces of over 100 strangers to date and scored 90% accurate–judged by the people’s photos who I profiled. 

What Emotions Do you See Here?

Thanks, SG, for sharing this. I will share my thoughts in the comment section below.

Raw Emotions

<br /><a href=";vid=cad24c45-b0ac-4546-a36b-a1e0276251d8&#038;src=OverlayPlayer:embed:&#038;fg=sharenoembed" target="_new"title="Beagles Welcome Soldier Home">Video: Beagles Welcome Soldier Home</a>

Expression of the Day

After the earthquake and tsunami, I thought this was a good emotional expression for the day… Wishing all of those affected peace and comfort…

HeartBroken-Tears are the Baptism of Soul

My Friend in Sendai…

I have a friend in Sendai that I am very worried about.  Please keep Jim and his family (wife and two daughters) in your prayers….I hope they are safe. I’m so worried…

UPDATE:  My friend is safe.  SWEET RELIEF!!!