Are you emotionally intelligent?

adriantarsukoff / Pixabay

adriantarsukoff / Pixabay

There is so much information on the Internet today, you probably feel like I do: it’s information overload. And if you are a specialist in one area or another, you see there is a lot of misinformation out there as well. It’s rampant and staggering!

I specifically see a lot of inaccurate information about understanding human behavior, spotting deception and emotional intelligence.  So many people are trying to sell you ways to be emotionally more intelligent, and most of it is nonsense.

But I did see this article today and I thought it was very well written:

15 signs that you’re emotionally intelligent, even if it doesn’t feel like it

Give it a read.I agree these are signs of an EI person! Of course there is more, but if you tick these off–it’s a great sign!


A by-product of my training course is an elevated EQ. Have you thought about attending my course?  See below for more information!

Study: Psychopaths DO Feel Fear

Republica / Pixabay

Republica / Pixabay

New research out of the Netherlands has reviewed the widely held beliefs that psychopaths don’t feel fear and think the belief came about erroneously.  They actually do believe psychopaths feel fear, but they just react to it differently than you and I do.  And that makes sense to me.

I have never believed psychopaths don’t feel emotions, or “act” because they are void.  They absolutely feel all the emotions we do, but they simply feel it for themselves. They just lack empathy for others.

I can find many psychopaths displaying the seven universal emotions and they aren’t acting them out. They are truly feeling them.

Does this change how you think about psychopaths?

Check out an article on this here.

Are you good at recognizing faces?

Unsplash / Pixabay

Are you good at recognizing faces?  Can you recognize someone in a crowd months or years after you talked to someone for a brief period?

Are you one who never forgets a face?  If so, you may be a super-recognizer.

Scientists have developed a test for you to find out.

I took the test, and alas, I am not a super-recognizer from my results.  I scored 7 out 14.

What did you score?  Are you gifted in recognizing faces?  Do tell!

What You Reveal: Answer

jarmoluk / Pixabay

Last week, I wrote about my experience in buying a new car. Every Hyundai dealer I went into had the same exact approach. They would greet me, talk to me a minute and then they all asked me to sit down. Next they would want my name, address, etc. so they could contact me again.

I asked last week what information a salesman can glean from you at this point.

If I am a salesman, I want to know as much as I can about you, my customer, and the sooner I can get information about you, the faster I can act to close a deal by meeting your and my needs.  I also want to identify easy sales from more challenging ones, right?

These simple, benign requests, will reveal a lot about a person in just a minute or two of time!

If I were to ask every customer to sit, I would immediately take notice of the customers who follow my instructions.   If they sit and even better, give me all the information I ask for, I know right away, this person is much more likely to follow my lead (I’m in the driver’s seat so-to-speak), be open to suggestions (up selling), and wants to be polite and pleasing so I can sell MORE and MORE!

That’s the perfect customer who has the highest likelihood to sign on the dotted line for a much higher price than a person who questions me along the way or doesn’t follow my instruction.

I suspect you can guess what I did at that time. I gave them no name, no address, no information, and no, thank you, I don’t want to sit.  I see it this way: I am the paying customer. I am paying you to be there to service me and my needs, not the other way around.  I will only give you information that benefits me!

So the next time you are a customer buying a product, think twice at what you do and say. Each interaction you have with someone reveals information about you, and that information can and most likely will be used against you!  So remember, what are you revealing?

In sales, it always behooves you to stay in the “drivers seat”:  You be in control.  You call the shots and not the other way around.