Family of Thieves (20/20)

Did you catch 20/20 this past weekend?  The show featured the story of the criminal Cabello family as they stole nearly $4 million in orchestrated bank-related heists.

Archie Cabello found a life of a crime was lucrative for him because he was able to out-smart the system time-and-time again, but finally after decades, the law caught up with him.

If you haven’t watched the story, I highly recommend it. It’s fascinating.


In thinking about the whole story, a few thoughts ran through my mind, one of which was:  Do you really think Archie’s family turned on him?

Or was it part of his intelligent genius to have his family “save themselves” from a life of prison by talking and pointing the finger at him?

Wouldn’t that be the ultimate con gaming the system one last time?

Archie was certainly smart enough to save his wife and son, don’t you think?

I think they put on a big game in their dislike for one another, and what flagged me to this was the fact that Vincent, who supposedly turned Archie in (after the cops discovered their 100 credit cards) wouldn’t speak to the media about how “wronged he was” by his father.  If you are willing to go to the police and turn your father in, you’d be willing to talk about it. But Vincent had no interest. Neither did his wife.

It makes you go “Hmmm….”

Furthermore, I was surprised that the banks never hired a private investigator to put surveillance on the Cabello family to recover their money.  I mean why not pay someone to follow them 24/7?  It would be pennies compared to their losses.  The Cabellos had to get money from somewhere and they should have been easily able to track where the loot was, right?  The Cabellos did put a large portion of their money in a safe at a company after all. Archie and the family rarely worked so they had to get money from somewhere.  It seems like a no-brainer, doesn’t it?

They still have $1.8M unaccounted for, and you know Vincent and Archie’s wife will have to access it at some point.

Summer Sale on Master Class!!

Summer Sale–Save 20%
“How To Spot A Liar: Master Class”

You are getting a special invitation to a PRIVATE SALE. Sign-up for Renee’s class before July 15, 2016, and save 20%!!!

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Business professionals and every day people who want to truly want to understand people, spot deception and interpret human behavior at a level that far exceeds the average person.  This class is ideal for business professionals, nurses, doctors, therapists, detectives, investigators, HR professionals, salesmen, investors, lawyers, law enforcement and every day people who want to have a leading edge in all of their communications!


We all want people to tell the truth.

But, more often than not, people lie. And because of that, we have to work hard in order to discern whether we’re being duped.

Fortunately for you, you can learn from a rare expert, Renee Ellory, as she knows precisely how to spot a liar. She is scientifically identified to have one of the most rare abilities to spot liars in the world and is considered to be an emotionally intelligent genius by scientists. That separates her from anyone else in the field. In fact, it puts her in a class of her own.

If you want to learn from the best then Renee’s class is for you.

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Expression of the Day

ales_kartal / Pixabay

ales_kartal / Pixabay

What expression do you see here? And why do you believe that is the expression?

Understanding People Through Faces

Pezibear / Pixabay

Do you ever take the time to look at a person’s face to see what it is communicating?  We naturally decode emotions such as happiness, and sadness, anger and surprise, but do you look at a face deeper for more revealing information?

To my surprise most people don’t.

Do you look to see if someone is open or closed off?  For example, in the photo above, do you think the girl would be receptive to you if you made a request  to help you pick up some books in a school library?  Or do you think she’d reject you? And why do you think that?

Do you think this girl is an extrovert or an introvert?

I don’t personally know this child, but she reveals key elements about her personality by her facial features and expression.  She shows a very slight shyness. Can you see it?  Yet she shows a symmetrical face. Symmetrical people are often very outgoing.  Yet she shows a “grounded nature” about her–no arrogance or superiority.  These attributes all can give you an indication of how someone might behave, if you think about it.

A slightly shy person is likely to be very polite.  A symmetrical faced-person is likely quite social in comfortable settings.  With these two things, I suspect this young girl would be helpful when asked to assist someone in a safe environment such as a library. She would be very polite.

Can you see that?

Faces reveal so much information about people, it’s truly astounding. And once you can discern a few elements from a face, you can logically deduce many other attributes about people successfully.

Take for example someone who shows tension on their face, when you see anger, do you think that person has a higher propensity to lash out?  Of course they do.  It’s not a guarantee, but its a higher propensity.  Compare that person to a person with a relaxed happy face who shows a sign of anger. Do you think they would have a high probability to lash out?  Not near as likely.

Here is an article that talks about some of the discoveries science is making about our face and personality:
Does Your Face Tell Anything About Your Personality?

Next time you have a few minutes, look at someone’s face and ponder some basic questions. Can you see if they are introverted or extroverted? Are they tense?  Do they appear relaxed? Are their signs of stress in the face?  What can these reveal?

How Can I Be Honest All The Time?

geralt / Pixabay

In an interesting poll from last week, 62% of people (as of today) believe that they cannot be honest 100% of the time.  I find that completely fascinating.  I asked the question in regards to an article I read and shared on my blog that talked about an angel investor who said he believed the secret to success was honesty.  Peter said, “Complete honesty is the access to ultimate power.”

I see people struggle to be honest many times, and I know they aren’t lying to be mean or malicious. They simply want to be polite, but is a “lie” really kind and polite?

I therefore ask you, my readers, what do you feel you cannot be honest about?

Would you be willing to share with me examples where you feel you cannot be honest in your personal or professional life?

Honesty doesn’t always mean laying your feelings on the table or saying something ugly. You can always focus on the positive truth to any situation, making it known what you truly think, without lying. And you can be polite about it, too.

If you missed this article last week, its definitely worth a read, if you ask me.