Tag Archive for: diena thompson

Diena Complains about Somer’s Lock of Hair

Diena Thompson is just amazing. Her behavior never ceases to amaze me, and it doesn’t matter which video you give me of her, something is just strangely off in my eyes.

The reporter says, “What is justice for Somer?”

Diena says almost ready to break out in a laugh, “Finding who did this to her, and them being put to death. That’s what I want for them.” Look at her shoulder shrugs as she says this. I would expect a definitive response without any doubt, but her shoulders are suggesting she is doubtful about this. Why on earth does this woman feel so good about this? The police haven’t even named a suspect! How come she feels so positive? Is this duper’s delight on a scale we haven’t seen before?

Read moreThe reporter says that Diena believes the killer is local and that he probably talked to Somer at least once before the killing to gain Somer’s trust. Isn’t that fascinating? That’s a change in her core belief . Diena originally told us us that Somer trusted everyone. In November, on MSNBC, Diena said, “She just loved everyone. She was very trusting. She just trusted everyone and she just assumed that they wouldn’t hurt her (source).” How come Diena’s core belief changed?

Three things about this statement stand out to me. She is now describing Somer’s core personality different as mentioned above. Number two, if she believes the killer is local, doesn’t she fear she is taunting him by saying he deserves the death penalty? Doesn’t she fear that he might kill her and go after her or her remaining children?

Why isn’t Diena living in fear? Is she demanding protection from law enforcement? Is she still living in the same house? Why does this woman feel no fear?? It defies logic. Third, when she talks about the killer looking her in her eyes, there is a vacancy that I see in her eyes that I can’t explain, but stands out to me. There is no tension, perhaps, no real vision in her mind’s eye of the actual scenario she talks about, which we would expect to see, if she truly had conviction for what she is saying.

Watch Diena’s response when she says she feels the police are getting close to a suspect. It’s strange. I’ve never seen another victim act like she does. She has hope when she should have none. The police won’t even clue her into the investigation and she just “feels it” that they are close to solving this? In my eyes, it’s insane.

Diena says, “I’ve met some incredible people through all of this, and they will call me with bible verses, and I’ll read them and just be…completely…(shoulder shrug)…in awe.” When Diena says this, she is giving away indications that she is thinking as she speaks, not talking from the heart. When she shrugs her shoulders above, I suspect she doesn’t know what to say after “completely”. Then she comes up with the rest of her babble. She continues, “…that…it’s almost like…it was written…for me (another shoulder shrug).” The pauses are notable here. I don’t believe a word she is saying, frankly.

Notice her attorney isn’t present? Has he suggest to Diena to stay out of the spotlight, but Diena refuses to listen?

Listen to her complain about the lock of Somer’s hair! I about fell off my chair!!! Diena smiles as she talks about what should be one of the most painful things in her life. There isn’t a tear, an ounce of any sad emotion whatsoever when Diena says, “Well…the lock of hair …wasn’t what I was expecting. It’s…not that much, and…it looks dirty to me (smirking).” Notice the…hesitation…in…her…speech…as…she…talks…about…this. It’s strange and notable. It is highly indicative she is just thinking as she talks, instead of speaking from the heart.

More than that, most mothers who have lost a child take everything they left from their child and idolize it. To most mothers, a lock of hair would be more precious than gold, even if it was dirty. They usually can’t part with anything and often revere every little thing and treat it as if it were as precious as the child was. I’ve never seen a mother in mourning complain something wasn’t good enough or right that is a part of their child. It defies logic. How many mothers whose children were killed have you seen leave their child’s room exactly as it was for years, if not decades? Yet FirstCoastNews.com reported, “The grief has been so intense she [Diena] wanted to get rid of Somer’s things, but she was advised not to, so she packed them away for now.”

Diena Thompson completely defies everything that I know is normal. I think she either knows boatloads more about this case than she is telling us, or perhaps she has a mental illness? Her behaviors are off the charts, like nothing I have ever seen before…

Thanks, Kat2, fort the links and suggestion.

* This post is an opinion of the author.

Diena Thompson: Cold Case?

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When we first see Diena Thompson’s face in this video before the interview beings, she is portraying sadness, but whether or not it is genuine is another thing. Macro expressions are the easiest expression to fake. Then we hear her sniffle, which is suggestive that her sadness is real, and when the interview starts, there is no doubt Diena is emotionally upset here. The redness and glossiness in her eyes confirms it for us. Sadness, however, does support or disprove anything as a mother could accidentally or purposefully kill a child, cover it up and still feel these emotions on and off.

Read moreLook at the glow in Diena’s eyes when she talks about the killer, “You may have hidden this long, but your time is limited.” Diena seems to feel positive emotions when she talks about the killer. I find that absolutely perplexing. I can understand determination, steel-will, but a happiness glow? It makes no sense to me. I have never seen another person talk about finding a killer and getting a glow in their face. It is just unheard of…even with all the determination in the world. Most people bent on catching a killer are dead serious, but Diena is a strange exception.

If we play the turn around the game and consider the worst potential (not saying it is true) that Diena did have something to do with her daughter’s death, could this be duper’s delight?

Meredith Vieria says, “You still don’t even know how your daughter died.” Diena replies calmly, “No ma’am, I don’t.” Diena seems to have no urgent need to know how her daughter died. She seems accepting of it, doesn’t she? I think this is quite unusual.

Watch when Meredith Vieria says, “But how do you handle that as a mom–the not knowing?

Diena says, “That’s probably the worst part.”

Diena’s words and emotions completely contradict themselves when she speaks. She seems to glow with positive emotions, yet tells us this is the “worst part”. I don’t believe Diena here for an instant. It makes me question, does she know how her daughter died? Is this duper’s delight?

Diena continues, “…the scenarios you make up in your mind might be worse than what the actual truth is.” This statement fascinates me! I can’t imagine the actual truth in finding how Somer was killed being better one way over another. She was killed, for Pete sake!

When we talk about dying, we often talk this way, that it would be better to die this way rather than another, but I’ve never heard someone say this about “murder”. Is there a mother out there who would say having her daughter killed one way over another would be better or worse? I think murder in any definition is horrific no matter how it occurs. Diena’s thinking is very strange here, and highly unusual.

Vieria ask Diena, “Do you find yourself looking twice, Diena, at people, always wondering am I staring at this monster and I don’t even realize it?”

Diena replies, “Definitely. Without a doubt. Every time someone stares back at me, I wonder, are they staring back at me because they are the ones, and I don’t know anything about what is going on, so…I don’t want to falsely accuse anyone because that could wreck someone’s life, but…this person needs to be brought to justice.”

When Diena talks, I don’t see any fear, which is highly unusual. Instead, I see slight disgust and an arrogant, almost cocky smile, which is absolutely perplexing. It would make sense that she is disgusted at people gawking at her (speaking negatively about her), but why the arrogant smile? Why doesn’t she fear for her OTHER CHILDREN and her own safety??? Notice she says nothing about being afraid for herself or her children? Fear is what most people would feel in this situation, but it seems to be the farthest emotion from Diena.

Wouldn’t you be panicked and even more panicked if you had other remaining children with a murderer still running free? Yet Diena, instead, talks about falsely accusing people. It sounds like babble to me. Notice how she pauses and how her thoughts change?

Vieria asks Diena, “Does your determination (to catch the killer) ever waiver or does it get even stronger?” Diena replies, “No. It gets stronger because he is going to get caught. He’s going to do something wrong. He’s obviously not a smart person, because if he were, he wouldn’t have done this to begin with.” Diena then says with a smirky smile, “It’s an ‘it'”.

Most people’s confidence would waiver when the police haven’t made an arrest in three months. Why isn’t Diena’s?

Vieria ends the interview saying that someone out there knows something. You would think Diena would jump on that and plead for information, but she doesn’t. She sits there calm, cool and collected like she is fine if this goes on for another five years. There is no urgency in her whatsoever to get this over with, to protect her children, other children, or to stop this madman.

I can only ask: Why?? I think Diena knows more than she is letting on…

Remembering Somer

From the Website


I saw this link today and I was surprised they require you to sign-in to see much of the website. I thought that was odd for a memorial website. Do you?

I have no idea who created the website.

I have a toothache today, and I am off to the dentist again. I may have to have my wisdom tooth pulled this week, so I may be MIA, if that happens. I don’t know yet. It’s hard to concentrate when you are in pain!

A Very Different Diena Thompson

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As many of you have suggested to me that Diena is different in this interview. She is dramatically subdued compared to her other interviews, yet I see still Diena making numerous subtle smiles (or hints of positive emotion), and I even see an expression of disgust when she talks to the reporter.

Read moreDiena shows disgust when mentioning Somer’s name, sadly. She says, “It’s been difficult, but I owe it to the other children, and Somer (expression of disgust, sigh) to get up every day and continue to just…go on.”

Why does saying Somer’s name make her feel disgust? This is painful to look at.

I can’t help but feel that someone has asked or suggested to Diena to “tone down” her responses, because her emotions we’ve seen from day one are still present. At one point, Diena even gives a sideways glance to her attorney, as if seeking his approval, though she never looks at him directly. We’ve seen this behavior with Ronald Cummings in some of his interviews.

I also find it interesting that the reporter says that Diena attorney is her “liaison” with police investigators. Did you catch that? If my child was missing, I wouldn’t want facts lost between a liaison. I would want direct contact. I would demand it. It makes you wonder if the police have questioned Diena, doesn’t it?

Diena seems to be breathing heavy in this interview, which I haven’t noted before. It caught my attention. Do you see it? It’s contradictory to her calm facade. It’s most notable after her attorney talks about how the police are likely honing in on a suspect.

Diena looks the most sad I have seen her when she says, “I can’t believe a parent could be involved in hurting their own child.” I can’t help but wonder if this rings a bell with her in some way. While Diena shrugs her shoulder here, this does not signal doubt to me. Many times when people say “I don’t know” or “I can’t believe” they often shrug their shoulders. This behavior is actually supportive that they can’t believe it or don’t know.

Somer Thompson Police Report

Police officer using laptop while sitting in a patrol car

I know many of you are trying to put the facts together in the Somer Thompson case. Here is the police report. While I don’t depend 100% on police reports, because there can be errors, it is a starting point to find more information and compare it to other reputable sources. I shared my thoughts about Diena Thompson, Somer’s mother, a few weeks back here.