Tag Archive for: Drew Peterson

Pay My Legal Fund; Then I’ll Search for Stacy

Have you seen the news today?

Clearly, the priorities of this fund are off the mark. Pam Bosco says it best, “”His best defense is to find Stacy. Let’s put that as a priority, Drew.”

Rick Mims: A Friend of Drew Peterson

If there is anyone I would rather not be at this moment, it would be Rick Mims, not because he is a bad guy, but because Mims is in a difficult place right now. He befriended a man, and held that friendship for 27 years, only for things to unravel in horrific circumstances.

It’s the stuff of nightmares—something none of us ever want to experience.

While we can’t say that Peterson did anything conclusively, we all know the evidence is stacking up in the corner opposing Peterson. I’ve stated I don’t trust him; furthermore, there is simply too much coming out in the news for reasonable people to support Peterson.

Now imagine being Peterson’s friend—his best friend. Imagine how you would feel.

Read more You’d likely have a lot of self-doubt about how you could have been so blind, how you could have missed all the clues, not added up the pieces, trusted someone who ultimately may be one of the most untrustworthy of people—who is suspected of killing two people.

If the unthinkable becomes reality—that Peterson did have his hands in the foul play of both of his wives—for Mims to cope with the fact that he was friends with a killer— a serial killer—may be overwhelming.

Rick will likely doubt his ability to trust others, and may feel unsafe for a while. He will wonder how he could have missed the signs. He will wonder how come he was so blind to what was before him—so close—and yet unseen. It could be devastating, yet Mims may find the strength in realizing that people like Peterson aren’t on every corner—thankfully.

Furthermore, we must also realize, as should Mims, that Peterson may have treated him quite well. People who are disturbed and who do commit serious crimes often have people in an inner circle who they respect and treat well—and keep the truth hidden away from—and as long as these inner-circle people don’t violate them, they are safe. Perhaps Mims is one of these people who Peterson respected?

Then again, Peterson seemed to have a flair for controlling women—so Mims may have never been or become a threat—so should he have been any wiser? He wasn’t the target of Peterson’s aggression.

Sure, Savio’s death was odd and may have raised red flags, but if you knew Peterson all these years and put your trust into him, it would be hard for you to believe that your friend was capable of committing such an unspeakable crime, if it, in fact, occurred. I think most of us would naturally go into a state of denial—especially when the police closed the case.

Who wants to admit and accept that we befriended a potential murderer? Anyone?

Most of us can accept that our friend has relationship issues, but there is a huge jump to being a potential murderer—a serial murderer.

That jump gives me the chills.

None of us have any way of knowing when, why, or what motivates someone to cross the threshold and take someone else’s life. We all have the potential to kill, but thankfully most of us never do it.

I personally look for people who lack the ability to empathize; and that lack of empathy is a red flag for me, but some killers can swoon the best of us over into being believers, and I take no confidence that I am any different than anyone else.

I don’t think less of Rick for being a friend of Drew Peterson should the worst circumstances materialize. Instead, I actually respect him all the more, because he put faith in his friend, he believed in him and he stood by him through it all until the alarm bells became too loud to ignore. Mims didn’t give in early to media pressure. Mims did what a good friend should do, and he still is doing what a good human being should do. He still isn’t talking badly about Drew, yet he is supporting the search for Stacy.

Rick Mims is an admirable human being caught in the worst of circumstances right now, and while I am sure Mims isn’t a perfect human being, he is handling this stressful situation amazingly well and with grace.

In all of this darkness, there is light.

Peterson: Looking at the Blue Barrel

In the Drew Peterson case, a blue barrel seems to be gaining momentum. Have you heard about it?

Peterson’s neighbors have identified to police that Peterson had a blue barrel in his backyard that is now missing. Furthermore, one neighbor has stated that they saw Peterson move this barrel with an unidentified man on the day Stacy Peterson went missing.

If this is true, Peterson has some serious explaining to do, and it appears that what the neighbors are saying is true.

Police have found evidence of this mystery blue barrel in the back of Peterson’s confiscated Denali SUV. And, as of yesterday, they have identified the man who help Peterson carry it as his stepbrother, Thomas Morphey.

The story gets even more interesting.

Read more

Reports say that the day after Morphey and Peterson moved this blue barrel from Peterson’s house (bedroom) to his SUV, Morphey attempted suicide or overdosed on his depression medication.

The latest reports (within the last hour) are saying that Morphey attempted suicide because he feared he may have helped Peterson dispose of her dead body. The barrel was still “warm to the touch”.

One thing is for sure: Morphey, if put in the hot seat, may have some critical information for this investigation.

Last night, Mark Furman spoke to Greta on Fox’s On The Record, and said that he had attempted to locate Morphey, to no avail.

I also read that Peterson called in sick on the night Stacy disappeared. It’s another piece to the puzzle that I hadn’t heard before.

Either way, I think the blue barrel is highly significant in this case, or Peterson would have magically produced it by now. But because the police have forensic evidence to one specific barrel, Peterson can’t get just any blue barrel to take its place, and because he can’t produce the blue barrel, it doesn’t bode well for Peterson again.

WJBC AM Radio is reporting:

“Attorney Joel Brodsky (Peterson’s attorney) says the Peterson family member in question has a history of mental problems, alcoholism and suicide attempts. And Brodsky says he may be seeking attention or living in ‘a fantasy world.'”

Not surprising. That may be why Peterson asked for his help, knowing this could be said.

I was surprised to hear defense attorney Bernie Grimm, on Greta Van Susteren’s On The Record last night, say that he didn’t believe the blue barrel was significant. That blew me away!

Let’s just hope that Peterson didn’t fly that night, because if he didn’t, I think the police will crack this case. If he flew, the odds of finding this blue barrel and its contents are greatly reduced.

10:41 PM EST:
News reports are saying that Peterson picked up Morphey on the night of Stacy’s disappearance and dropped him off at a coffee shop. Then he handed Morphey his phone and told him that if it rings, to not answer it. Then Peterson left, and of course, Morphey got a phone call from “Stacy”. Do you believe Morphey is telling the truth? Was Peterson using Stacy’s cell phone and calling himself in order to mislead investigators?

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Source 4
Source 5

A Letter to Drew: Reading between the lines

If you spotted someone that you thought was in the national spotlight as a missing person where foul play was suspected, what would you do?

Would you:

A) Write an old-fashioned letter saying where you spotted the person and put it in the postal mail?

B) Send it to the man suspected of foul play in her disappearance?

C) And would you not sign it?

D). All of the above.

Of course not.

I am describing a letter that Drew Peterson claims to have received yesterday, but didn’t open until today. This letter wreaks of absurdity yet if we look closely at the only three words that are quoted from the letter and released by the media, it is suggestive of something.

Read moreThe writer of the letter states that he/she saw Stacy Peterson in a Peoria supermarket, and said that Stacy had “a little pudge.”

“A little pudge” …is a red flag for me.

It immediately hit me as abnormal.

These are the only three words we can surmise that are verbatim from the letter.

I just knew it was odd but I didn’t know why at first. It just stopped me dead in my tracks. It gave me pause. Then I wondered if perhaps the wording was something a man might say, but that wasn’t it. A woman could technically say this as well, though much less likely — so I knew that wasn’t it.

Then I thought about how a witness who spotted another stranger might report what he or she saw. A witness wouldn’t give a personal opinion such as this — at least not in this manner. If the witness thought Stacy was pregnant — he would simply state the facts — as facts: “It appeared that Stacy Peterson was pregnant.”

But the more I thought about it for a few minutes, it finally hit me! If I don’t know someone and I have never met them before — I would NEVER know if they had a paunch, or “a little pudge”.

How could I?

I would have no idea what was baseline for someone I didn’t know. I would have no prior notion of a stranger’s body-type, build, etc. to know what was unusual for them. What I witness the first time would be my impression of “normal” for the person. I would be no wiser to any pudge, or change.

The choice of words in the letter (if they are accurately being reported) is indicative that the person who wrote the letter knew Stacy to make this assertion because a witness who didn’t know Stacy would not think like this.

Or, we are flat out dealing with a crazy person (which, of course, is possible). Mental disease and disorders are a part of life — but boy would I want to investigate this further. My curiosity is peaked and peaked big time.

I am sure the police are doing DNA testing on the letter. May it lead us to the truth. If a crazy person wrote it – so be it. But if someone else wrote this on false pretenses — let’s find them!!

More Drew Peterson: “I was the victim”

Many you of you have asked me to review the latest interviews given by Drew Peterson in the last few days since his first interview with Matt Lauer last week.

I think most people are clearly seeing the contradiction between what Peterson says (the spoken word) compared to his actions and expressed emotions.

The two don’t match up and are in complete contradiction. You don’t need lie-detector-eyes to see this. Many of you have also pointed out some excellent red flags in odd word choices as well. When people are honest, we just don’t see these oddities and inconsistencies. The red flags are stacking up at an alarming rate. I would be working full-time to keep track of them all.

Read moreFurthermore, Drew’s lack of concern for his wife is show-stopping. In every interview, Stacy is the last thing on his mind — and clearly this is abnormal. At a minimum, I would expect pleas to Stacy to come in anger to save his own butt! But that would only happen if he believed she was truly alive…

Peterson has told us he is afraid of the media and that he wants them off his back less than a week ago, yet ironically he has been happily, jovial, and even flirtatious with the media since — and it appears he is quite open to take on more and more interviews. He has even sat down with People Magazine. Obviously, he is not afraid of distracting from Stacy’s search anymore, either.

We all keep hoping to see a concerned father and husband, but it’s a little too late for that now. Peterson keeps digging himself deeper and deeper with an arrogant, cocky attitude to boot.

I was going through the interviews, deciding which one I would discuss when I found this one (above) from Dan Abrams. I think this is a great interview (way to go Abrams!) because this segment of the show points out the craziness of Peterson’s behavior on the bullseye. Excellent journalism, Mr. Abrams (and Mr. Lauer)!

In this interview , I found it amazing how Peterson turned around a question by one of the reporters. She asked if Peterson had any physical altercations with his wives. Watch Peterson think about it! And then listen to what he has to say. It’s almost unbelievable.

Peterson says, “In a defensive manner, yes.” The reporter say, “What does that mean?” and Peterson say, “I was the victim“. Peterson is having a ball with this. Is he referring to the “steak incident” he told to Matt Lauer? Look at how he laughs. It’s totally bone-chilling. What victim of abuse ever finds it funny?? Peterson doesn’t seem to know what is normal and reasonable anymore — which makes me concerned for his children: very concerned.

The topic with the reporter then switches over to Thanksgiving and Peterson says he is thankful for the fact his kids are “happy and healthy”. This is not even reality-based. I am getting more and more concerned for the well-being of Peterson’s children by the minute.

When the reporter talked about Peterson’s home being searched and searching for Stacy, he says …”they’ve been through my house and its not here”. “Its” being Stacy’s body? This is very chilling and several readers spotted this and already commented about it as does Abram’s panel of experts. If you believed your wife was alive, would never use the word “it” in this manner? Of course not. It speaks volumes.

Peterson says he “always makes light of a bad situation.” My question to him would be how are you making light of Stacy’s disappearance? We all just see you having fun, hamming it up for the camera — which isn’t fun for any of us — or any of the reporters. The only one laughing is you, Mr. Peterson.

Later in the interview when Peterson talks to Hota Kotbe of NBC, he talks about how “we did all these repairs on her” (Stacy). The word “repairs” really disturbs me because he is talking about plastic surgery for Stacy. His choice of words indicates how he felt — that she needed to be “repaired”. Was he giving her everything she ever wanted and pampering her, or was he making her everything he wanted her to be?

And, of course, the use of past tense as discussed by Abrams expert is right on the money. It is absolutely a HUGE RED FLAG…among the pile.

The more Peterson talks, the more red flags that pile up. He is becoming a poster child of what-not-to-do when your wife disappears. May justice prevail. That’s all I can wish for. May the truth become clear and known.