Tag Archive for: Shanann Watts

Chris Watts Interview: My Thoughts

Many of you have wondering if Christopher Watts revealed clues that he was deceptive. The answer is yes. If you don’t know, he has sadly confessed to the killing of his wife and their children.

In the beginning of the interview, Chris actually glows when he first starts talking, yet he is putting on a down-tone in his voice and working hard to keep his emotions baseline. You get that deadpan feeling? That’s him manipulating his responses–trying to “act” down when he really isn’t. It’s an epic fail.

You can see him suppress a smile when he is asked what happened. It’s creepy. This is not a man grieving for or worried about his supposed missing wife.

When talking about her not responding to “her people” he talks about “That is what concerned a lot of peoples.” If you notice, it didn’t concern him. Isn’t that interesting? He also makes a disgust expression.

As he talks about coming home, he says, “Nothing. Just vanished. Nothing was here.” This is extreme distancing from his wife and kids. He acts like they are objects, not human beings who went missing. He then corrects and says, “She wasn’t here. The kids weren’t here.”

Interestingly, when he talks about the kids and says their names, you see a slow blink. There is some, albeit slight, emotional response here about the kids that is revealed by this. Does it bother him he killed them? Are their visions that get into his head that cause him to feel some emotion here? I believe the answer is yes, even if it is a minor emotion. With his wife, there is nothing.

When Chris spells Celeste’s name, he has an awkward swallow. It’s making him very uncomfortable and its notable.

As Chris talks about where they could be, he has a glow again. I get that sense he feels he is being believed and is successfully duping the reporter here. It’s very creepy. And it continues as he talks about the girls, and how they would be eating dinner and how he supposedly (not) misses it. He actually breaks out in slight laughter at 3:24. What you are seeing is a man who is loving the fact he is duping the reporter and getting away with his lies and thinks he is being believed.

He laughs again at 3:51.

He says they had an emotional conversation. Yeah, a fight. No doubt. He laughs again at 5:01.

When the reporters question him about what the police or sheriff are saying to you, he shows real indications of being uncomfortable and nervous again, which only helped investigators! He shows doubt throughout this interview as well.

And in the end, he says, as he pleas for his wife, “IF you are out there…” IF??? I love when they say “if”. It’s quite common and a huge reveal.

I personally suspect this man was controlling, angered easily and kept his demons behind closed doors. And something happened, and he snapped.