Casey Anthony: Where The Truth Lies Analysis

If you’ve watched Casey Anthony Where The Truth Lies, your head should be spinning!  Casey’s words here are all over the place, which is common place for liars who weave complex stories. Casey admits herself that she is a liar–a convicted liar–so this is something you should never forget.

Her entire premise for doing this interview in the end is to blame her dad for killing Caylee, which is done in a very indirect and odd manner, and to say that she was supposedly abused and raped by her dad as a child. Furthermore, Casey wants you to believe as an abused child that she was just continuing the mindset of doing what abused people do–doing what she was “told”.

Was Casey in a toxic environment?  Quite possibly. We all witnessed the family in the media struggling in a very high stress situation so you have to take that with an element of caution–all people can look crazy in high stress. So there is some gray there, but it is not as Casey is painting it. Many people grow up in toxic environments, and do not go on to compulsively lie and steal as Casey does. Some do, some don’t. But those who religiously comply with their abusers? They don’t act defiantly as Casey did. That is inconsistent!

Many people want to make a black and white decision. Casey is either completely lying or she isn’t.  While some cases of deception are black and white, many times, there is a complex mix of truths and lies. That’s what successful liars do — they blend the truth and lies together so you can’t find reality. And Casey admits that, too! But then she (and other liars) play on YOUR emotional vulnerabilities, twist facts and make you question yourself.  Casey checks all the boxes.

There are many clues in this series as to what the truth and lies are.  I could write a book just on this series. So I am going to point out some elements mostly from episode 1 that paint a pretty clear picture for you.

When the producer asks Casey why she wants to talk to them now without creative control, Casey shows two non-verbal shrugs of doubt (which I teach in my training), and says “I just need someone to listen.”  It’s as if she is just rambling off the top of her head, not giving us a sincere, thought-out answer. She is thinking on her feet here, and shows doubt about what she is saying.  It doesn’t support she has a clear thought out purpose for the interview.

Casey Anthony then says she wants to make her daughter proud and to honor her daughter properly. If you look closely she makes a very subtle microexpression of contempt  when she says to “honor her properly”.   You may struggle to see it.  But it is powerful. She is expressing contempt when saying she wants to honor her daughter.  That’s a complete contradiction to her words and reveals the truth of what she actually believes.

Furthermore, she says, “I am responsible for answering everyone in the world’s questions about my daughter’s death.”  When she says this, she makes the most intense and powerful expression that is a combination of anger and disgust.  She is ultimately expressing her emotions that being responsible for answering for her daughter’s death disgusts her and makes her angry!

WOW. That says it all.

Her facial expressions are revealing that she feels completely different to the words she is speaking! It’s utterly mind blowing when you watch it.

Casey feels disgusted that SHE is responsible to answer questions about her daughter’s death!   To me that is completely inconsistent to the what she just told us–that she wants to make her daughter proud and honor her properly.  It actually reveals that she doesn’t give a damn about her daughter at all. It’s all about her being the victim here, which is typical for her personality type.

She should CARE to get justice for her daughter, but that isn’t even in the cards or consideration, is it?  No where does she want to hold George accountable outright nor does she call for it. It’s strikingly missing as are many details of the story she wants us to believe.

Casey says of her work with her defense team that she wants to give back to others as she doesn’t want another person to be “pigeon-holed or railroaded” as she has.

What on earth? Pigeon-holed and railroaded?  This is a load of nonsense no matter how you slice this case or what you believe!

Even if we believed Casey’s story–that she is truthful (not saying she is or isn’t here), that she was abused, and that her dad killed Caylee (which I am not saying is the case)–she CANNOT CLAIM she was railroaded. This is total bullshit.

Casey railroaded herself  by her own actions of pathologically lying and her carefree attitude after Caylee went missing. She railroaded herself by stealing and telling lie upon lie upon lie. Don’t let this woman fool you!

An honest person who is having an “honest awakening” would see this and would own up to it–that they railroaded themselves even if it was a horrible situation.

Casey later then plays the other side of the story and says, “I made myself look crazy…as far as I am concerned there is no justifying my actions or behavior.”  This is a ploy to keep people thinking, see she is honest!  It’s a manipulative tactic!

Several times in the interview, we hear Casey refer to Caylee as  the “kid”. Did you notice? This is distancing herself from her child who she claims to want to honor. I find it deeply troubling. Would you refer to your dear sweet child who was murdered or killed as “kid”? It has zero endearment!  I doubt many parents of lost children would.

I think many people will be thrown for a loop by the testimonials of people who say Casey loved Caylee.   Did it make you question yourself?  Let me say this:  Manipulators will often play a loving mother, a caring kind person in front of others, but once the door closes–the truth is very different. And here, we have evidence of that when Casey complains of not being able to have fun due to motherhood in texts to her friend Richardo on Facebook.  She texts about Caylee, “I’m going crazy over here. At least the kid is passed out.”  Does that sound like a loving mother?   It doesn’t.

When I watch George Anthony talk to investigators about the last time he saw Caylee, I see no indicators that he is lying.

Casey is HONEST when she says that she felt “nothing” when talking to the 911 operators.  I found that fascinating that she would admit it.  She knows this is off and calls it “weird”. She knows she doesn’t feel normal emotions of loss and empathy. It puzzles even her.

The other element I have trouble with in this interview is that if Casey wants to accuse her father of rape and murder, then own it 100%. Say it clearly, but instead she is very convoluted when you listen to her accusations. She says things in twisted ways and beats around the bush. It’s hard to swallow. I see it as manipulative. Could there have been abuse?  Yes, there could have been. I can’t rule it out by watching her as she does show some emotional response, but I can’t say conclusively either because she is such a pathological liar. It would take more interviews to say conclusively, and at what level.

Casey says, “Over the past few months, I’ve been really having vivid dreams and its obvious that they are dreams of things that have already happened. I “THINK” my dad used to do the same thing to me.”

Think??? She doesn’t know???  She is clearly evasive and indirect–continually, which is suspicious. She just can’t quite own it outright, directly and call for accountability for her daughter–which clearly supports what we saw in the beginning of this interview.  It isn’t actually about Caylee. It’s about HER.

Casey tells you that she lied her whole life because that was what was expected of her. And then she changes her tune and says, “I completely replicated by father’s behavior during those 31 days.”  Only during those 31 days??!!  The insanity.

She goes on to say, “I used and manipulated all of the people around me in an attempt to appear normal.”  You used and manipulated people to appear normal?  How ridiculous–she is just excusing her behavior with no accountability.  None whatsoever.

When Casey says about her tattoo “Bella Vita”, “It was a fuck you to my family.”  That is true without question. But it likely is much darker than that. It was to the world. She was finally free, I think, of Caylee, and that was her celebration.  It’s horrible to think about.

Another chilling part in the interview for me is when Casey says about getting the tattoo, ” I got the tattoo in the first place, especially during that time period because that was a subconscious way for me to a…(grin) speak out against all of it.”

Her story of being raped as to how she conceived Caylee is questionable. There are hot spots throughout. She leaves off pronouns, she has subtle undertones of positive emotions the entire time she is talking about it, and then she says, “The first person I would have told would have been my mom. Would she have believed me?”

Would have told?  That’s an “as if it happened” statement — not a memory! A real recollection would have been, I  couldn’t tell my mom! She never would have believed me, or she would have blamed me or whatever. So I call B.S. on that one.

When she talks about how soon she figured out she was pregnant, she says almost immediately. We see disgust here. She was clearly disgusted she was pregnant yet tells us earlier that getting pregnant with Caylee was the best thing that ever happened to her.  She is constantly playing both sides.

When Casey cries over how it all hurts her, in my opinion, she is crying over HER pain from the ordeal–of being social isolated, rejected and not able to have a public life anymore. I don’t see any sadness for Caylee whatsoever. I think she did this interview in hopes of gaining sympathy and maybe some acceptance. Life has thrown her to the curb, without question.

Many people think Caylee died by accident.  I want to say that I do NOT see any evidence of that. And this is why:  If Caylee died by accident –which could be in the pool or by a drug overdose from sleeping medication given to her by Casey–then Casey would have some emotional response to that because she would have lost her daughter to an accident — unexpectedly. She wouldn’t have gone out and celebrated and partied for 30 days.  She would have felt the pain of that. She would have reacted differently.

No, this story is much, much darker. This is a woman who tired of her “kid”, who wanted to party with the other young adults her age, and Casey, in her dark moments, ended that life, and was very happy about it as we have evidence by that tattoo and life in those 30 days. You do not see a woman who is mourning the accidental death of her child. That information there tells the truth more loud and clear than anything else.

How could she have done it?  Remembering that Casey tells half-truths, I wonder if the pillow talk she gave saying it was her dad putting a pillow on her to knock her out, was actually her projecting what she did to her child.  It sure makes me wonder.

Bachelorette contender Tino Franco’s true desire

If you watched the Bachelorette last night, there was a very revealing moment on the show when Rachel revealed to Tino that he was the only one left.  Did you catch it?

I was trying to find a video clip of that moment and can’t seem to locate one online. If you find one, please do share a link!

If you watched that reveal moment between Rachel and Tino, you may have had a niggle that something wasn’t right.

The internet is a buzz with the fact that Tino’s face was flat–utterly emotionless.  They are 100% correct in that assessment.  It stood out.

But if you were paying close attention, you would have caught Tino’s smile utterly dropping off his face!

It was most pronounced if you watched the right side of his face. It slipped off!! He was NOT happy to hear he was the last one standing.

How gutting that was to watch!

I imagined seeing that if I were Rachel. Rachel didn’t seem to register it, sadly.

Tino seemed to enjoy Rachel and was truly happy around her many times as seen in the photo above. That was genuine.

But it appears, from that slip of the smile, Tino actually wanted to win the contest, rather than win Rachel and propose!


So it wasn’t a surprise they didn’t last.

I don’t know what happened with the cheating incident, but you have to question, could that have been a passive aggressive move to dump Rachel because he wasn’t invested in her? It certainly can’t be ruled out.

Expression of the Day

Baby, Emotions, Joy, Delight, Portrait, Child, Pens

All people are capable of making a “social smile”, which is an expression of emotion that isn’t genuinely rooted in true happy feelings, but is rather an expression of social pleasing. It’s a smile we put on for other people, when we don’t necessarily feel happy.

For example, someone may say to you “You look fabulous today” when you aren’t really feeling it. You know that smile you make at that point?

Yes, that is a social smile.

It’s actually very different from a smile you would make if I were tell you that you won the lottery and you believed me! Different facial muscles are activated in a genuine versus a social smile.

Some people have very balanced facial features and when they make a social smile, it can be very convincing that they are truly happy when, in fact, they are masking their true emotions.

Can you easily spot a social smile?

Is the girl above giving a genuine smile or a social smile?

Stephen and Eric Paddock: My Thoughts

When I watch Eric Paddock speak in the video above, I do not see a man who is lying about having knowledge of what his brother was going to do. I see a man who is obviously in shock, who hasn’t digested what happened and a man who cannot make reasonable sense of the inconsistencies of his brother’s actions.

What you see in this video is a lot of frustration and bewilderment. He doesn’t have the answers. He doesn’t see his brother the way the rest of the world does–as an evil killer. He tells you that the Stephen who did this is not the guy he knew.

He is clearly thinking off the top of his head, and rambling as his thoughts come to him.

Does that mean he is saying all he knows about his brother? Of course not.  No one would.

It’s clear from media reports that investigators are trying to figure out a motive with Stephen and they are still perplexed.

What would cause a man like this to snap?

I’ve given it some thought and I can come up with some things for consideration and some things that can be ruled out:

  1. Was it for a blaze of glory? To go out in a way no one would forget?  I don’t think so. That would be ego-driven and ego-driven people would want to make sure people know why they did it. He would have likely left something behind saying so or told someone. He doesn’t seem to have left that.
  2. Could he have lost everything at the casino that night or recently?  Not likely. Law enforcement is saying he had rented hotel rooms in Chicago and Boston–where he might have considered doing this months before. He also wired his girlfriend $100K to Asia.
  3. Could he have instantaneously snapped?  Not likely. This wasn’t a quick decision. It required methodical planning to be accomplished, and he considered other locations months before.
  4. Could he have suffered from an undiagnosed mental illness?  Yes.  This holds the strongest potential. His girlfriend was quoted in one article I read saying that she found him on his bed crying and screaming, “Oh my god”.  I don’t know if it was once or more than once, but he may have heard voices.  According to Eric, Stephen was an intelligent person, and he may have been smart enough to hide his illness from others and kept it private. This is a potential.  He may have never wanted to reveal he heard voices, or had dark devious thoughts, especially knowing his dad’s history (bank robber on the FBI’s most wanted list, listed as a diagnosed psychopath). To let that out would have probably horrified him and yet it might have been something he couldn’t contain in the end.

We also know he didn’t care who his victims were because he shot random people, and he had rented hotel rooms near other big venues. He also didn’t care that it was a casino (at first at least) as he considered other venues.  He clearly wanted to lash out people in some style of hatred or revenge or delusion.

Eric says Stephen was a wealthy man, and speaks of him as being an eccentric (not his words–those are mine) and a loner.  He also said Stephen basically worked in casinos and that’s how he made his money.  When you put all of that together, I do get an image in my head.

I see Stephen as a man who didn’t conform to societal standards.  He likely went to the casinos dressed very casual, very unassuming. Stephen was Stephen, take him or leave him.  If you’ve ever been to Las Vegas, you know it’s a “showy” place, a place of image, importance, and status–all stuff Stephen likely didn’t care about. It’s a very judgemental place. Money came easy to Stephen, and while he had it, I don’t think it was his everything, if you will.

Big shots, who probably weren’t really “big” in the financial sense — the typical Vegas crowd, probably saw him as a misfit looser and probably weren’t too kind to him.  Little did they know his financial status.  And this, over time, may have just infuriated the crap out of him.  Repeatedly.

Society is very harsh on judgements of status and wealth.  If he was constantly picking up on put downs, being treated less-than, ignored and possibly insulted more frequently than not, over and over, combined with mental illness–that could cause someone to devise a plan to “make people pay”.  And Las Vegas ended up being the ultimate location where all the fake, false, bragging “players”, if you will, would be.  The players that ate away at his soul, if you will. Who chomped so callously and cold in their ignorance (his thinking).

Mass killers often have a vendetta against society as a whole for wronging them. It’s not uncommon.

We also can’t rule out an illness (like a tumor mentioned by Eric) or a drug that induced some psychotic effect on him, if he was taking any medications.  They all needed to be explored.  So many potentials but pieces should come together over time to paint a picture.

Ironically, most people who are wealthy do not have a reason to “show it off”. They know they have it. Those who show it off are usually the poor ones, hoping to impress you. The guy who really has it–he has no need to impress anyone. He knows he has it. Braggarts are big red flags wanting to be what they are not.

Just wanted to share my thoughts!