Oksana Grigorieva

45789, LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA - Wednesday October 6, 2010. Oksana Grigorieva braves the rain as she arrives at an office building in Culver City. Oksana's troubles have continue as she has recently cut ties with her bodyguard Kristian Otto Herzog after she found out that he is an ex-felon. Photograph: Juan Sharma,  PacificCoastNews.com

Oksana Grigorieva spoke out to People Magazine about her problems with Mel Gibson. She talks about how Mel came after her, threatened her and pulled a gun on her, and then threatened to kill himself.

Do you think she is telling the truth?

Read moreI don’t think it takes any rocket science to know that Mel Gibson has a temper. We’ve all heard it for ourselves in the past few months, which makes the likelihood that something could have happened higher than usual.

Is he capable of pulling a gun out and threatening Oksana? Absolutely. The rage we heard in his voice is pretty predictive of his lack of emotional control.

Do I believe something happened on January 6? I do.

Oksana appears to show genuine sadness over the event, but I don’t see fear, which is odd.

I also find it odd how she talks about the gun that day. She says, “And then he pulls a gun out.” Notice how she shrugs her shoulders. That’s not a conclusive hot spot for me (alone as honest people do this), but it is noteworthy. Then she hedges when she says, “And he, you know, he pulls a gun out basically, and he wants to kill us all.”

Basically? He either did or he did not. Why is she minimizing this? This flags me. She also doesn’t speak in past tense when talking about this. She says it in present with the words “wants” instead of wanted.

She continues, and says, “And then he says (shoulder shrug) if I leave then…he’s going to…um…..blow his brains out on the wall (shrug). There was no logic in what he was saying.” When she says this, I see that she is a bit indignant. I suspect he did say said this at one point or another. Did he say it that night? I don’t know.

At the end when she talks about him beating her up when she was holding the baby in her arms, she definitely was concerned for her children. I have no doubt about that, but I’d like to question Oksana about the gun incident. I’m not convinced, but I can’t rule it out at this point. I’d need to see more. Most people who someone pulled a gun on them would be terrified–especially if they were holding their children, as Oksana says.

According to People Magazine, the L.A. Sherrif is investigating Oksana to see if she used the audio tapes to extort Gibson.