Murder Suspect Jodi Arias To Be Her Own Attorney

Jodi Arias comes across as a sweet, innocent young girl in this video, doesn’t she?  I think most people who didn’t know she was locked up behind bars would find her “safe” to be around, but they would be surprised to know that she is sitting in jail awaiting trial for first degree murder and facing the death penalty. 

Travis Alexander, 30, was found dead in his apartment in June 2008, and while Jodi first confess to police she was with him, though she fled the scene, she told them they were attacked by two masked gunmen.  When she could get away, she original told police she did, but ironically she never called 911 to help her friend, Travis.

I have since heard that Jodi Arias has changed her story, and now says that she killed Travis Alexander in self-defense.  I don’t think she has much of a chance if this is hers story now. 

Even more surprising, last week, Jodi Arias declared in front of a court that she wants to act as her own attorney, though she has no more than an 11th grade education.  The judge asked her if she had an legal experience, had a law license or even read the statute she is accused of violating and Arias replied “no”.

There is no doubt this woman is smart, cunning and manipulative, but I think her arrogance will finally get the best of her. 

While this case is not getting any press coverage at this time, should that change, I will keep you posted.

To read my original thought on this case (when Jodi claimed she fled from 2 attackers), click here.