Travis Alexander mentions worry of “Axe Murderer” before murder…

Look at what this news report shows you about Travis’ blog on It’s mind-blowing what he wrote just shortly before he died…”This type of dating is like a very long job interview…desperately trying to find out if my date has an axe murderer penned up inside of her.”

I searched his blog but wasn’t able to find that part. Here is Jodi Arias myspace page and Travis Alexander’s page.  They are still up, yet frozen in time. It offers insight into who each of these people were.

Travis Alexander looked like a neat guy, who had his act together, and cared about doing well in life.  He had a dog and showed signs that he was a compassionate man by this, his thoughts and his words. 

Read Travis’ posts: They reveal a lot about him.  He was man of deep thought, who comes across as quite intelligent.  He talks of meeting Nick Vujicic, a man who was born without arms and legs.  Travis talks about his violent and drug addicted parents and how he lived a horrific childhood.  He tells us how he left home at the age of 10 and how his grandfather changed his life. His grandfather told him he was special, but he said that didn’t make him any better than anyone else.

In contrast, with Jodi Aris, all you have to do is watch her speak to see her controlling and manipulative behavior. It’s as ripe as a peach rotting off the tree.

Many people who lived Travis’ existence would have blamed the world for all of their problems, but he was wise to realize he was the only one in control of his destiny.  He was the one in control and yet he was humble. If only he had known that his wisdom about the “axe murderer” was so true that he needed to protect himself immediately, he might be here today.

But sadly, none of us are ever prepared for the wrath of a psychopath.  It’s nearly impossible to predict when they will drop the pendulum of death.

34 replies
    • Karon
      Karon says:

      I haven’t had a chance to read their blogs, but I will in the morning. This is a sad case. If only, Travis had listened to his own intuitions, he would still be alive.

    • Keith D.
      Keith D. says:

      This is the blog where you can read what he wrote in May about wondering if his girlfriend had an axe murderer penned up inside of her. It was also posted to his own website at one time, which he linked to on his myspace profile, although his website has long since expired and no longer exists. 🙁

      He posted quite a lot of stuff, and what was so eerie to me was how much of it was stuff that I’d posted myself at various points in my past. That made me feel rather uncomfortable. Some of what he wrote was strikingly similar to things I’ve written myself. Even more odd how he lived in Arizona, and I lived there at the same time. And I knew people who were affiliated with his company, although I never knew or met him, and I’m not sure anyone I knew ever did either. I don’t know how to feel about that, but it sure is strange.

      I do hope the jury convicts her, for sure. No more Casey Anthonys please.

  1. Libby Munro
    Libby Munro says:

    It's just so horrifying to think what Travis must have gone through there at the end. She didn't just kill him, she slaughtered him brutally. So sad! He is in my thoughts and prayers.

  2. Karon
    Karon says:

    It is a big mistake to even acknowledge someone who is stalking you, much less take them into your bed. Travis should have broken the relationship off, totally. Even though, he was telling her it was over, having sex with her just fed her obsession. Tragically, it cost him his life.

  3. Karon
    Karon says:

    I just heard on Court TV that every time Travis tried to break-up with Jodi, she would threaten to kill herself, and he would relent. She must have planned his murder, because, she knew he was really getting serious about dating this other woman.

  4. Pauline
    Pauline says:

    It is very interesting to me that Jodi set up a blogspot on this site 13 days after Travis set up his. Also the timeline suggests that Jodi had just moved back to Yreka CA from Mesa AZ. My observation alerted me to two specific journal entries. On April 14th 2008, Travis writes a blog titled “Why we are here…” in which he quotes an excerpt from Marianne Williamson – A Return to Love. 15 days later, April 29th 2008, Jodi writes a blog titled “Awaken” where she uses the exact quotation from the same author as Travis did. Where as Travis’s entries have depth, insight and reflection and he draws on his personal experience many times, Jodi’s entries are articulate and grammatically correct, but without depth or even meaning at times. She uses no personal information or experience. This is indicative of someone who is pretending to have depth, and of course mimicking the one person the blog is supposed to impress. From all I seen so far, especially from the police interviews, Jodi is a true psychopath. There are moments where she has been caught on film with an air of arrogance and self satisfaction, that have made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up! Very frightening human being!

    • LadyJustice
      LadyJustice says:

      Every time I watch her, my hair stands up. I’m glad I’m not the only one. She is so indulgent within herself, yet dangerously. It’s a study of human behavior I’m taking very seriously.

    • Cara Vancleeve
      Cara Vancleeve says:

      Very creepy to see Jodi’s attempt at mirroring the writings of Travis Alexander. It is so obvious, I wonder how Travis must have reacted to seeing what she was doing.

  5. WhereTheTruthLies
    WhereTheTruthLies says:

    I’d like to hear some opinions about these two concepts:

    First, is that during past interviews Jodi indicated that she would rather have the death penalty than to spend life in prison. However, her lawyers are arguing self-defense, in an attempt to avoid the very death penalty she claims she wants. So was her expressed desire to die, yet another lie, or does she truly hope (along with her lawyers) to escape any and all punishment?

    Second, I can’t wait to hear information about where the gun and the knife were located during sex, during their photo session in the bedroom, during the photo session of his shower.

    Did Jodi have them right next to her while they were making love? Right next to her while she was taking photos in the bedroom? Then carried them with her to the bathroom, and were right next to her during Alexander’s shower photo session?

    Because, remember, the precipitating factor of her needing to defend herself was ‘sudden’: Jodi dropped the camera in the bathroom, pissed Alexander off, and he lunged at her ‘out of the blue’. Yet she somehow had time to grab a knife and gun ‘from somewhere’. How ludicrous is that?

    Jodi was supposedly so in fear for her life that she kept these two weapons at her side at every moment they were together, yet she wasn’t in fear enough for her life not to have sex and have little photo shoots. How crazy.

    I hope the prosecution can lay out this logistical impossibility so that the Casey Anthony jurors don’t @#$%!!! up their duty and believe some generalized self defense claim that defies step by step logic.

    • Cara Vancleeve
      Cara Vancleeve says:

      That Carr, dude, that sees Jodi in jail says that, as of last week, Jodi thinks this jury will be hung, she will be tried again, convicted of manslaughter, and get 5 years PROBATION. She really thinks she is going to walk.

  6. WhereTheTruthLies
    WhereTheTruthLies says:

    Heard a very interesting theory the other day–in keeping with how people use partial truths woven into their lies and it makes it more believable–this person believes Jodi shot him first, then the gun jammed (just like she said when she was telling the story about how the two intrudes tried to shoot her but the gun jammed) at which point she had to start using the knife. Very interesting.

    I don’t know if it jibes with what the ME says or not. Originally, I had thought the shot was last as a big eff uuu, but it makes sense to me this way now, and that the throat slash was last.

  7. LadyJustice
    LadyJustice says:

    I believe Travis had already seen something in Jodi he had not breathed a word of to anyone. The axe murderer, I believe, he was afraid of. I believe Travis, and only Travis knew the true evil inside of Jodi Arias. I see it. I watch her body language and her level of deception is amazing. I will always believe she suffers from, multiple personality disorder. I would say she has many other mental health issues going on. It would warrant a dual diagnosis. I’m a CDV advocate and I’ve heard many women explain the first time they seen the person they love change, into someone who would murder them. I believe, while we will never know the truth, as to why Travis chose to use the words, “axe murderer” My gut tells me, he knew. He knew if he didn’t rid his life of this evil, he would be dead. I believe he feared the evil he saw inside of her. Many women now dead, didn’t live to tell their story. Travis left the clues for all to see. I will never believe he knew she was coming to see him on the early morning of June 4, 2008. I believe she rented a white car (like MiMi Hall’s white car) and dyed her hair dark brown (like MiMi Hall’s hair color). Jodi made Travis believe, at 4 a.m. MiMi was in some type of distress with that knock at the door. He took a quick look at the white car & the dark hair and thought it was, MiMi. Jodi tricked him, used sex to lure him, just one last time. The final time for Travis. She ended his life in bitter, cold blood. And know she is manipulating our “flawed criminal justice system” to win her war. The very war, she waged against Travis Alexander (in court) to escape 1st degree murder & the death penalty. Will she be successful? We will see. I say, NO. Jodi Arias is driven by pure Ego with a blend of insanity. The desire to win at all cost.. I believe her own words, will land her a spot on death row in the State of AZ. (very soon)

    • Cara Vancleeve
      Cara Vancleeve says:

      This case cries out for the death penalty. She has showed no remorse. On the contrary, she continues her attack on him from the witness stand. If locked up, Jodi doesn’t go away. She victimizes those around her. Male guards and other inmates, should beware.

  8. missyb
    missyb says:

    I just read T’s blog and book preview (it was brought up by JA and how she was ‘slighted’ by no mention of her work on it). I can’t believe JA has the audacity to now whimper about her life knowing what she knew about T’s childhood. I agree, Libby M. JA didn’t just kill T. She slaughtered him. When I read T’s comment about ‘axewielding’ I was shaken and the hair on my neck stood up. Two ‘cliches’ come to mind. T….’out of the mouths of babes’….and…..JA….’Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned’. T was a positive force in this world and JA a negative force. I hope she gets the DP although in my heart I know she will go down thinking she was ‘the victim’. How terribly sad for all the truly and seriously abused. I hope the prosecutor points out DISTINCTIVELY that T asked JA to STOP and that JA was not married to T nor had any children with T so there was nothing holding her in the relationship like some who are abused and have children to protect/worry about (where to go and how to support them) in his closing argument where it will be fresh in the jurors minds.

    I also read JA’s blog and found ‘nothing noteworthy’ (to quote her own words on Jan 24, 2008). She is an empty shell. A vampiress sucking the life out of unsuspecting males. I can’t believe the Daryl guy is now sitting in court behind the attorneys giving her ‘moral’ (isn’t that a mockery of her behavior?) support.

    Not only is it scary there are Jodi Arias’ and Casey Anthonys in this world…..there are those who support their kind. THAT is even more scary!

    I also hope the prosecutor Martinez throws JA’s own words of how ‘heinous’ the murder of T was in the TV interview and how she told Detective F(?) she would ‘beg for the DP if she had killed T’. And I hope he does so at the end of his cross examination so that is also fresh in the jurors minds.

  9. missyb
    missyb says:

    I forgot to say I hope the jurors took in JA’s haughty and arrogant behavior on Thursday with Martinex. She was more than willing to stand up to him and it shows she is not a damsel in distress NOR a shrinking violet as she tried to impress upon the jury with her ‘po little ol’ me act. She is not only a manipulator, she’s an instigator and I think she enjoys pushing peeps buttons.

  10. disqus_e56KVryd7M
    disqus_e56KVryd7M says:

    OMG you see what you want to see. I see a arrogant self centered man that thought he was God’s Gift to women. Wanted one for nasty an one nice one to marry an pretend to be a upstanding MORMON around people he was disgusting ! What man thinks ORAL or ANAL SEX is ok but not the vagina OMG that is a SIN ! disgusting ! He used mental abuse an got Jodi in his web of deceit. One less man to ruin another woman now. What a disgusting man he was ! FAKE !

    • Eyes for Lies
      Eyes for Lies says:

      What information do you have that supports Travis was an arrogant self-centered man other than Jodi’s words? I wouldn’t trust Jodi Arias as she is a documented and well-known liar. That’s fact. I’d suggest other sources….

      • PJ
        PJ says:

        Travis was in fact, a clinically diagnosable narcissist. He was also a womanizer. Based upon his social media postings, recorded phone-sex talks, photos and other info , he was devoid of real-world empathy towards other humans. He was charming, funny and smart but he was as HE put it, “His favorite person.” Travis was a Human Being invested, in his words: In Money, Women and Power. He wasn’t a moral person as he claimed, he created an outward personality that would benefit himself financially, socially and sexually. He was just a garden-variety narcissist and borderline sociopath. Jody herself, was devoid of a self-concept, and when she met Travis, he became her self-concept. She became Mormon overnight and made his norms hers. Look at her social media, it mirrors Travis’, she is Borderline Personality Disordered and devoid of a true self concept. A narcissist seeks-out a person who is weak, bland, unsophisticated and of lower status as them. Jody fit the mold . Her family is poor, Hispanic, uneducated and “Slave-Class” to Travis.
        Having said that, I think Jody is guilty and should be put-away for at least 40-45 years. This is not a Death-Penalty case however, Travis, in my opinion, was a total scumbag and got what he created. Travis was more of a sociopathic actor than Jody; he played with her mind and enjoyed it. Social media spells-out how much of a scumbag Travis was: He was his Fav person and he hated “Whores.” His life was about “Money, Power and Women,” but he was a Mormon. Give me a break.

        • Misty2010
          Misty2010 says:

          @PJ -> You don’t think for a moment that Jodi went in to his social media accounts and wrote things this way to set herself up as being a victim ? Jodi was NOT the victim, NOT at all in any manner ….

          Travis was the victim, Jodi slit his throat, stabbed him 29 times and shot him in the head. She was one sick scorned botch! She went back to sleep with him one last time and then killed him so he wasn’t going to Cancun with another woman. She has already admitted that she had all Travis passwords. Jodi planned this all, her killing him was premeditated. I hope and pray she gets the Death Penalty. Why do you say he got what he created ? God help you, and shame on you for trashing the real victim that was murdered. Travis did not deserved to have his life snuffed out.

        • Erica Kaftanich
          Erica Kaftanich says:

          What an awful thing to say!! How dare you think that anyone “deserved” the sort of death Travis Alexander received?? If that was the case, all of us scorned women should be justified in brutally butchering the “scumbags” we’ve encountered

    • Cara Vancleeve
      Cara Vancleeve says:

      You really believe that the Mormon’s baptized her, and just forgot to mention their rules on pre-marital sex and dating? She had to go through a process before she could join the church. She KNEW what she was doing and how the church felt about it. She didn’t care. She had her eyes on the prize. This girl was performing these sex acts prior to knowing TA, and was begging for them in texts.

  11. Cara Vancleeve
    Cara Vancleeve says:

    What a contrast. Just looking at the MySpace pages, clearly shows that while Travis has many friends, and many interests, Jodi has but one. Travis Alexander. Other than a pic of her with her mom, and a photo with her dad, as a child, the other photos were of Travis. Even her blog was strictly to impress him, by using examples of the “Laws of Attraction”, which was his philosophical ideal, NOT hers. Very sad.

    • PJ
      PJ says:

      This is an example of Travis’ fear and disgust of Women. The “axe’ murderer, is what Travis created in his subconscious mind at puberty, as an image of his Mother. His Mother was a “axe” murder of his perceived manhood, on a Psychological level. His Mother, in his mind, took his manhood away. As an adult, Travis fears Women and thus hates Women who may also make him powerless like his Mother. Travis, is Psychologically conflicted: He thinks: “I love my Mother but I also hate her.” Travis is so conflicted that he becomes what he hates: A Whore. He hates whores, in his own words, yet he has become a womanizer and a one night stand himself. Travis has become a “Whore”. That is in conflict with his “moral” nature (Want to Be) and creates Cognizant Dissonance.Travis then has to minimize the dissonance by rationalizing his base behavior by objectifying Women and turning to Religion. Now he can justify his hatred of Women via Biblical scripture. Adam and Eve. Who Tempted Adam? The Bad Women!

  12. PJ
    PJ says:

    Travis Alexander was a Clinically diagnosable narcissist and a womanizer, who had deep psychological and pathological hatred towards his mother.Travis then took his anger out on the Women in his life. His childhood was difficult: no nurturing parents and abuse; Travis compensated for lack of nurturing by inflating his ego in adolescence thus becoming a narcissist in adulthood. Travis was sexually and interpersonally manipulative, had little to no real empathy towards people unless it was advantageous to him, and used religion as a way to feel Superior. His parents were both drug-addicts and Travis also had an addictive genetic predisposition. His addiction was sexual in nature. Travis had a hatred towards “Whores” in his own words, but towards women in general. I feel Travis had latent homosexual issues because of his relationship with his Mother. Travis was sexually conflicted when it came to women, he overcompensated by being a womanizer thus proving to the world he was a real man. I fee there is real psychological evidence of severe sexual psychopathology and personality disorders in Travis. He’s a victim of course, but I feel he also victimized Jody and other women. His psychopathology lead to his murder and now his ex-girlfriend, who also has a severe personality disorder will have to serve her time.

  13. Liza Figueroa
    Liza Figueroa says:

    Hi! Just wanted to let you know the blog you are referring to is not a myspace blog but a blogspot one…here it is…i didnt follow this case until recently. I dont think I was meant to til now…his last blog is so inspiring and parallel to my current situation it haunted me at first…that I should come across it now…that the tragic events of a stranger has touched me so and his words and

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