What was Chauvin’s face saying when the verdicts were read?

Many people are wondering what Chauvin is feeling or expressing in this video when the three guilty verdicts are read and confirmed by the judge. We don’t see much because of the mask on Chauvin’s face, and he isn’t making a universal expression, but we can glean some information from his eyebrows and his darting eyes.

His eyebrows are down and pulled together in what appears to be a bewilderment expression. I think if he were to tell us what he is feeling he would tell us in that moment, waiting for and hearing the verdict, he felt it was surreal–almost hard to process.

One of those moments of “Am I really here? Is this really happening?” type feelings.

I suspect that he may have witnessed something before the verdict was read that indicated things were not going to go his way.

His gut may have known instinctively what was coming. Perhaps the jurors didn’t make any eye contact. Something flagged him if you ask me and it wasn’t a good indicator

His eyes dart back and forth in disbelief indicating he can’t believe this is happening. He is trying to digest and process what seems unreal.

If you notice, his expression doesn’t change before, during and after the verdict is read.

He is literally frozen in disbelief.

To sit and witness your entire future be decided in front of you like this must be overwhelming. No one considers themselves a killer or a murderer–even the coldest killers don’t see themselves that way. They always feel some form of justification–even when their isn’t one, or they wouldn’t have killed.

8 replies
  1. Pingy
    Pingy says:

    I thought he looked rather like a caged animal with those darting eyes, looking back and forth contemplating how he might escape.

  2. TXgrown99
    TXgrown99 says:

    I completely agree with your assessment. That is what I thought when I watched it again. I was crying when it was read, and that only started after it took me a moment to process what the judge said.

    • Eyes for Lies
      Eyes for Lies says:

      The only thing I don’t feel good about is the judge not sequestering the jury during trial and then pointing to public statements as a reason for appeal. He could have prevented that but chose not to. And then fanned the flames in the exact area he could have maintained control. It doesn’t sit right with me.

  3. ewen
    ewen says:

    I am writing this before I read your assessment. I saw the expression of bewilderment like “this can’t be happening, what is this.” It was like he was processing it in his mind like the REM (Rapid Eye Movements) do when we are dreaming. It was becoming real to him.

  4. Paul Flanagan
    Paul Flanagan says:

    It seems he was prepared somewhat. There’s a pic of him cuffed and you can see writing on his palm. Lawyers number.

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