Entries by Eyes for Lies

Have you heard of the Dark Factor of Personality?

Three researchers from Germany and Denmark have come up with a theory of personality called the dark factor–that the elements of negative “dark” personality will correlate together and create a “dark core”, if you will. If you have strong dark personality traits, you will likely display many of them. The researchers knew from past studies […]

Derek Chauvin Trail

Are you following the George Floyd trial? If you have, you know that the jury is out and we are on verdict watch. I honestly haven’t been able to watch the trial, but I have heard bits and pieces. In the video above, an with regards to the defense I hear above, I am not […]

Lyle and Erik Menendez

ABC’s 20/20 aired the newest twist in the Lyle and Erik Menendez story this past weekend: Young millennials, specifically those on TikTok, are calling for the release of the murderous brothers. They claim that after enduring a lifetime abuse at the time of the murders, these two shouldn’t have to serve a life sentence. In […]