Michele Williams: ‘Black Widow’ Killer?

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Michele Williams is on trial for killing her wealthy husband, Gregory Williams, in what prosecutors believe was an attempt to get her hands on his $600,000 life insurance policy. First, she told police that an intruder killed her husband, and when that didn’t seem to work, well, she said he committed suicide.

I love watching chronic liars throw stories up in the air as if doing so will cause one version to stick like bubble gum. They sure do hope when they get desperate, don’t they?

In this video, you get to hear Michele’s fake whining cry, and you get to hear her make the most ridiculous statement. Who wants to point it out?

It’s laughable.

Ironically, a well known new source misquoted the statement I speak about above, because I suspect, it was just too weird to conceive the words she actually used. I suspect the person getting the quote in written form subconsciously edited it and wrote it how most people naturally process it.

I honestly think the jury will see this case clearly and Michele will get the time behind bars she deserves!

She is one scary woman–Jodi Arias scary. It would be interesting to put these two women in the same cell!

Watch these people lie!!

This is a great video.  A reporter goes to The Coachella Valley Music and Arts Annual Festival in Indio, California, and puts a microphone into the faces of attendees and asks them what they think of bands–bands that don’t exist–and watch how quickly people lie! 

It’s hilarious.

I bet if we could talk to the reporter, she got the best responses by pushing the microphone up into their face.  When she did that, it amped up the pressure and people felt they had to respond, and as you can see many did.  

I also think there is social pressure on the younger generation to be “in the know” so they winged it wherever they could to be “hip”….just oops, that backfired!

What clues are they giving off that they are lying?

Thanks, Lynn, for sharing!

Armstrong to Confess to Doping

This week, Lance Armstrong, is going to sit down with Oprah Winfrey and he is going to confess to doping, say news reports.  They also say he will apologize.  It will be interesting to watch to say the least! As soon as someone gets footage, please send it to me!

I have been saying since Tyler Hamilton came out in May 2011 that I believed Tyler and that I did not believe Lance.

When Lance stripped of his titles in June 2012, I wrote about him here, seeking videos which showed Lance denying doping.  For those who shared those videos with me, I shared with you that I did not believe Lance.

And then 60 Minutes did a piece on Lance Armstrong at the end of October, and interviewed two women who said they knew of Amstrong’s doping, and I absolutely believed them. 

When people spoke out against Lance, he always wanted everyone to believe that these people were bitter, and the liars and he was the truth-sayer.  Shameful.

I personally think Lance’s fame and acceptance from this has dropped so dramatically, he feels he has no choice now but to save face. I think its a little late, but better now than never.

I hope you enjoy my insight. I work hard to be the BEST source for the truth on the web before the truth is known.

Abduction of Quinn Gray on Dateline

Originally posted September 2011 (re-run)

If you didn’t see Friday night’s Dateline, you missed a whopper of a story.  It was two-hours of action, deception and lies.  I would have to say this was one of the most hotspot littered cases I think I’ve ever watched.  Quinn Gray couldn’t have been a better subject!

For those of you who saw the show, here is Quinn Gray’s ransom note

So many hot spots:

  1. Notice Quinn’s normal bubbly written text?  When people are held at gunpoint, they get nervous and nervous hand writing isn’t so sweet and smooth! Hello.
  2. Quinn writes, “I need you read this and be calm!!”  Who under duress is going to think like this?   Just be calm, honey!
  3. Quinn writes, “…do not be a hero.”  Hero?  Who would think about heroes when you have a gun pointing to your head? 
  4. Quinn writes, “This is professional.”  What victim of a crime is ever going to think her abductors are “professional”?   I could see law enforcement calling someone professional, but not a victim unless they were talking about a crime in hindsight–not during the actual crime.  How does she know they are “professional” at this point? She hasn’t seen them do anything, if this is real and they just broke into her house. It’s ridiculous.
  5. I find it very odd she tells her husband they want $50,000, but he cannot get more than $9,500.00 out of the bank.  Had she tried at one point?  Would you know this if you were held at gun point?  Very odd information for a “victim” to have… She could have called the bank with the kidnappers and asked about  how much she could withdrawal, but she makes no mention of it.
  6. Then she says they only have $7,000, which makes it even more perplexing that she should would know about the $9,500 number because why ask if you don’t have it?
  7. Her use of the word “stupid” stands out to me as well.  When you are facing life and death, and you may not see a loved one again, and I can’t imagine you would worry about them doing stupid things.  You would worry about their life instead.  It’s odd to say the least. She doesn’t seem worried about him at all, does she?
  8. It’s odd how she is so sure she will be fine if he just gets the money.  Why would she be so sure?  A kidnapper wouldn’t give her the time to write that over and over again!  Time is of the essence if they are all standing around in her house, mind you.
  9. She writes, “Please do this honey!” Honey?  Again, its ridiculous!! 

Clearly, by her own word choices, she was not a woman under duress.  Had I found this ransom note, I couldn’t help but chuckle!!!! It tells a heck of a lot information, and while you couldn’t write it off, I would have been very skeptical. 

Word choices tell us so much…

Charlie Rogers To be Charged With Lying

A couple of weeks ago I reviewed the video Charlie Rogers talking about her alleged anti-gay attack.  I found her behavior odd, and there were definitely hotspots.  My final conclusion was, “At this point, I believe there are enough red flags to investigate Charlie Rose’s story further, though I want to be sensitive to hate crimes as they are real, and should never be tolerated in our society.”