Guess Anderson Cooper’s 5th Cousin

I loved this when I saw it the other night on TV.  While this is a low-stake scenario, its still fun to guess–who is lying?

Great clues here…what do you see?

Facts About Lying

Liar's Club - Chicago, ILphoto © 2007 Angie Linder | more info (via: Wylio)

I found an interesting article from the University of Massachusetts for those of you who are interested in deception facts.

It says:

  1. Sixty percent of people lied during a 10 minute conversation.
  2. The average person told two or three lies in that 10 minutes.
  3. The people in the study were surprised that they lied so much!
  4. Men and women lie about the same amount. They just lie about different things.
  5. Women most often lie to make others feel better.
  6. Men most often lie to make themselves feel better.

How many lies are told per day to the average person then?

I suggest it is best not to think about it!

(reposted from 2007)


What is the biggest lie you’ve ever been told?

View of brightly lit room from doorway of a dark room

I thought I’d ask you: What is the biggest lie you’ve ever been told? Do you want to share it with us? I know there are some whoppers out there…Maybe you can help others by sharing your story…

Did you see any clues to the lie? Do you see any now in hindsight that you aren’t so close to the situation anymore?

I usually take off this week and I am going to be stepping away from the computer for the next few days to take a break. The hubster is off and we just plan on relaxing and enjoying ourselves. I will check messages and comments, but I may be slower to respond. I hope you understand. Sometimes its good to clear the brain and get refreshed!

Confession of an Admitted Liar

A reader left an interesting comment yesterday on my blog post titled Pathological Liars. I thought I would share it with you.

I will be comlpetely honest (for once). I am a liar. A Pathological liar.Some of you out there asume that we are scum and that we are evil, and that is a little too harsh to say. You must understand, when it says we have no morals…WE CANT. I really do wish that I could feel guilt, so that I might stop lying so much. I don’t. I never have felt guilty for anything that I have done, I dont think that I ever will.Read more

Apperently, some people have it so bad that they don’t feel other emotions as well. Which makes since, saying that me and my friend (yet another liar, there are a lot of us you know) did not cry at our friend’s funeral. We lack the emotions for us to properly restrain ourselves from lying to ones we love. Emotionally though, we can feel pain. Don’t think that there are some pathological liars out there that feel horrible when they hear the comments that you are writing about them. (I for one think that its funny, and i dont really care) And yes, I belive that I will probably burn in hell for this. But until then, I shall be smiling my evil little grin and crying my fake tears…lying my way easily through life. You think that it is a bad thing to be a liar. I find it wonderful. Things are so easy for me. I manipulate people to think certain things of me, others, and situations. It has been 10 years in this town, no one has ever guessed that I am lying. (most pathological liars have good enough memories to remember what they told to whom) And Honestly, I hope that there are not too many people like me. I am sinful, mean, cold hearted, maybe even souless, and I dont care at all. (I have tried therapy, but i ended up lying to the therapist…so yeah that didnt work out too well). Signed, Liar Liar

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