Tag Archive for: Cindy Anthony

George Anthony Wants to End Life

This is absolutely the most heart-breaking news (more here) that I have seen this morning. George Anthony reportedly left, and checked into a motel. At some point, he missed a family meeting with their attorney, and sent his family a message that he wanted to end his life. The Orange County police tracked him down via his cell phone pings, and he is currently in the hospital for observation. He says he doesn’t want to live anymore.

Read moreI can only imagine the hell that Cindy and George are going through. The pain is beyond what any of us could ever comprehend. Few of us seem to put ourselves in their shoes to truly try to understand. They have not only one tragedy of inconceivable proportions, but two to deal with. And if they are to accept the realities of what happened, they have to accept that this nightmare came from their own flesh and blood. What does that do to a person’s sense of self-worth? I can only imagine it would bring you to where George found himself. How else could one feel?

I know many people will say that the Anthonys should have reacted differently while they still could. These are people who don’t understand our legal system, and what it is like to know or live with a psychopath. I personally don’t believe psychopaths are created. I believe they are born, and one day, we will understand the defects of the brain that cause these dangerous people to act in the ways that they do. But right now, we are in the dark ages of brain science.

If you’ve never experienced a psychopath, and been forced to deal with their manipulation, control and lies, it’s a world you couldn’t possibly understand. People without a conscience are people with incredible power and influence because they have no boundaries. They will push others to the limits of sanity because it doesn’t cause them any heartbreak to do so. Psychopaths are the ultimate manipulators. They can control the best of us, if we get too close.

My heart goes out to George and Cindy Anthony in these most difficult of times. I do not judge them for their behavior in any form. I feel great pain when I think of the situation they are in and I wish them the strength and courage to move forward, and ultimately peace in knowing the did the best they could with what they knew at the time.

Fox also reported this:

A former boyfriend, Ricardo Morales, told investigators she had made jokes about giving Caylee baby medicine to put her to sleep, according to MyFOXOrlando.com. But he also said she seemed to have a normal relationship with her daughter.

So next time you hear something as sick as this, what are you going to do?

You can call the police, but if Casey says it is a joke, and the police believe her because she looks harmless, and she doesn’t have any type of record, and the police believe she is not a threat to her daughter, what else can you do? Seriously, what options do you have to stop something so horrific as what happened to Caylee?

I believe I can pick out a psychopath more than the average person, but until you or I can prove they have an intent to harm another person, there is absolutely nothing you or I, or anyone else can do to stop such a tragedy from occurring. It’s the price we pay for our ultimate freedoms as a society.

Remains Identified as Caylee Anthony

Breaking news from CNN: The bones found last week are now confirmed to be those of Caylee Anthony.

How terribly sad. My heart aches for the Anthonys.

I forgot I wrote this on July 19th:

I did see some video footage of Casey online from Nancy Grace, and in that video Casey is gloating as the cameras pan on her as she is being led by police from one location to another (starting at time marker :05). Her eyes are glowing with excitement. She is clearly enjoying being in the spotlight, and being deceptive about her daughter.

Can we assume Casey killed her daughter? No, we can’t. A number of things could have happened to her daughter–many of which are horrible to think about, but Casey definitely knows the truth and she isn’t sharing it, and that doesn’t bode well for Caylee.

I don’t believe Casey accidentally killed Caylee. That glow that she had at that time was absolutely chilling. If she accidentally killed her daughter, she would not have felt this way. Add to that her rumored computer searches for breaking of the neck and for chloroform, and this case is bone chilling.

I personally think Casey was ultimately jealous of Caylee and her mom’s affection for Caylee. When Cindy wanted Casey to move out and inquired about getting custody of Caylee, Casey lost it, and decided to make her mom pay the ultimate price, as sick as that is to write. She obviously had no regard to Caylee whatsoever to do what she did.

Child Remains Found Near Anthony Home

News just in from CNN:
Child’s remains found near home of Caylee’s grandparents

Apparently a utility worker a couple of blocks from the Anthony home (approximately 1/4 of a mile) today at approximately 9:30 found a plastic bag and when he picked it up, a child’s skull fell out. Inside were badly decomposed remains of a young child. The bag was found in a wooded area.

Orlando Sentinel:
Remains Appear to Be Caylee Anthony’s Say Searcher

“[EquuSearch volunteer Deborah] Smith said the area where the remains were found is “really wet and steep and there’s lots of snakes back there.”

“EquuSearch spokeswoman Mandy Albritton said their workers did not check that location earlier because it was submerged in water when they had looked in September. When they returned in November, the site had been fenced off [private property].”

May Caylee Anthony get justice.

Casey Anthony Tapes Released

Several of you have inquired about my opinion of Casey Anthony and Cindy Anthony in the video tapes that were just released yesterday. Due to the volume of footage (several hours), I am not going to review all the segments. Personally, I don’t have the time. However, I am more than happy to respond to specific inquiries given specific content and time markers.

I did watch the first six minutes of this footage (Part 1 from July 25th), and I don’t see any indications in this footage that Cindy Anthony is in cahoots with her daughter, or that she has any indication where Caylee is at. She appears genuinely concerned, and stressed about her granddaughter’s whereabouts.

Read moreWhen I watch Cindy Anthony, she is very serious and her actions are indicative that she is on a mission to (a) comfort her daughter, but (b) to also try to find out facts. She is serious as one would expect, and intent on looking for Caylee. That is not unusual or notable in anyway. It is what I’d expect.

Casey on the other hand laughs and genuinely smiles at times as if nothing is wrong. It’s very notable. When one is deeply afraid and fears they have lost a loved one to a tragedy, they are usually not able to laugh or smile genuinely without any indications of fear or stress. Yet Casey laughs without any indications of stress or worry. Her voice also sounds free of distress which is also a red flag. All of this is indicative that Casey is not feeling normal emotions.

Notice Casey’s mom Cindy never breaks out in a deep smile or genuine laugher? That’s because Cindy is truly worried and concerned about Caylee, where Casey is not.

Feel free to post specific areas you would like me to look at below. Give me time marker spans of no more than 4 minutes, and please tell me precisely what you would like me to look at, and I will be happy to share with you what I see. Depending on the number of requests I get, I may not respond to all, but I will respond to the ones I feel are most valuable. Thanks!

Why I Believe Cindy Anthony

I believe Cindy Anthony is telling us the truth because her behavior is not consistent with someone who is being deceptive.

Put yourself in Cindy Anthony’s shoes and imagine your daughter accidentally killed, or allowed harm to be caused, or caused your granddaughter’s death. Let’s say you decided to cover for your daughter so she wouldn’t have to spend the rest of her life in jail, and that you know what happened to Caylee and ultimately where Caylee’s body ended up.

Would you ever consider:

  1. Calling the police?
  2. Three times?
  3. Would you tell the police you want your daughter arrested?
  4. Would you tell them your daughter as well as your granddaughter have been missing for a month?
  5. Would you say that her car smells like a dead body?
  6. And that she stole from you?

Remember, by protecting a criminal, you, too, are committing a crime.

Read moreI think I can say confidently most people would be mortified to do so, if they were harboring this secret–especially if they knew information or were involved in someway.

We all know that when we attract attention to ourselves, we will likely be scrutinized and looked at with a fine tooth comb–especially in a missing person’s case–and that is the last thing we ever wish to invite when we are lying.

Granted, there are people among us who think they are brilliant, and can pull off the perfect crime, and dupe everyone. These people do exist.

Could this be Cindy?

To dupe everyone, you have to have an extremely self-assured, bordering on arrogant personality. More often than not, too, these people demonstrate an exceptional level of intelligence. While we see a steadfast desire and strength in Cindy hoping that Caylee will return, I don’t believe we’ve seen supremacy or arrogance. Furthermore, Cindy’s personality is not consistent with the types of personalities who typically do this.

If Cindy were in on this secret, we can likely guess she would have also questioned and spoke to George who once worked in law enforcement. She would have gotten some good advice on how not to tip off the police, and I can be pretty confident George would tell Cindy and Casey to lay low, and to not draw attention to themselves–which is exactly the opposite of what they did. This doesn’t support a planned cover-up.

You can also bet Cindy and Casey, or Cindy and George would have dreamt up a much better story than the one about Zenaida Gonzaleous. They certainly would have made sure (a) that Zenaida babysat Caylee before, (b) that she truly lived where they said she did. That’s just plain old logic and common sense!

Even if they called the police and reported Caylee missing, I don’t believe they would have made any big fuss as we have seen here. This is too crazy to be scripted.

Sure, they may have called 911 weeks after Caylee disappeared, but I don’t believe that they would have supported Casey in taking off for weeks on end. After all, it is in these weeks after Caylee was last seen that Casey is accused of stealing money from her friends, her mother, dating multiple men, steal gasoline from her parents, lying to just about everyone she met, and was seen partying at a night clubs as if nothing was wrong. All of these images would build a horrible public opinion–which is the last thing Casey or her parents would want in case if they were in cohoots!

And if Casey’s parents are in on the secret and can be held accountable, you can bet Casey’s parents would have had a much more forceful hand on Casey and kept a much tighter rein on her, but they did not.

Outside of all of this, Cindy Anthony’s facial expression, body language, spoken words and actions are all consistent with a mom who is in complete denial that her daughter could do something so monstrous.

Nothing has been a red flag for me that Cindy is being deceptive about Caylee. Instead, I have only seen deep denial, genuine concern, and fear for her granddaughter which would be difficult to fake if she knew all the details of what truly happened.

If she were lying, I would see incredible self-doubt, and some level of paranoia, too. I also would have expected to see her thinking-on-her-feet to answer questions, stammering for words, stuttering or word searching– anything which indicates she isn’t experiencing this as she is leading us to believe. I don’t see any of this.

Based on all of these things, I don’t believe Cindy Anthony knows where Caylee ended up. Instead, I think she is living in a personal hell. Not only does she have to come to grips with the fact she may never see her granddaughter again, but she may have to accept her own daughter did it or played a part in it.

That has to be one of the hardest things to accept for any living soul. That’s too much for any sane person to have to cope with. I don’t blame Cindy for her emotional and raw pleas, her denial and outburst in this most challenging of times. If anything, my heart goes out to Cindy Anthony for all that she has had to endure in front of millions of people. It has to be any parent’s worst nightmare.

See Reader’s Opinion on Cindy:
July 25th – August 29th
August 29th – Sept 1st