Tag Archive for: Stacy Peterson

Christina Raines Moves Out Again

Neighbors of Drew Peterson said they saw Christina Raines move out of Peterson’s home on Friday for the second time.

From the Bolingbrook Sun:

Before leaving, Raines shouted to Peterson, “I’ll be back for the rest of my stuff some time,” said Peterson’s neighbor, Sharon Bychowski, who watched the move.

When the two women departed, “Her sister whipped around the court (in her car),” Bychowski said. “‘Agitated’ is the word.”

According to CBS2Chicago.com, Raines’ engagement ring is being held by the Illinois state police. This is interesting. Did Peterson give Christina Stacy’s old ring? Why else would they have it? It sure makes you wonder what went on behind closed doors, doesn’t it?

Thanks, Rita, for the story update!

P.S. Don’t forget to vote for the next story you want me to write about here.

Thomas Morphey

ABC’s Chris Cuomo interviewed Thomas Morphey a few weeks back, and many of you have asked for my opinion. Thomas Morphey is Drew Peterson’s stepbrother.

Is Morphey being honest with us? You can watch him speak here.

When I watch Morphey speak, I see a man who is casual and relaxed. He is not uptight, stressed or worried, which matches his demeanor when I look at his face. I suspect, by looking at Morphey, that he is an easy-going guy in real life and isn’t demanding, nor is he highly driven. He is likely very accepting of people, and it would not surprise me that Peterson knew this, picked up on it and knew that Morphey was the perfect candidate to assist him, because he was easily malleable.

Read moreIn the interview, we learn that Morphey was diagnosed with bi-polar several years ago, and that he suffered from abuse and addiction issues. Furthermore, we find out that Morphey was drinking the night he talks about meeting up with Drew Peterson, but according to Cuomo, he still remembers that night. And we all know that Morphey ended up trying to commit suicide after he helped Peterson move a blue barrel.

With that, it is not surprising that Cuomo talks about how Morphey has not been called to testify in front of a grand jury. There is no doubt that Morphey has credibility issues which Morphey, himself admits to. However, when I watch Morphey speak, I believe he is being honest with us about what transpired between himself and Peterson.

Morphey says a few odd things, but they don’t alert me that he is lying. He says that when Peterson asked him how much he (Morphey) loved Peterson, Morphy didn’t say how much, he just said “I do.” He doesn’t answer the question. That could be because he doesn’t want to admit exactly what he said on TV for fear he’ll be ridiculed, or maybe it was just a slip of the tongue, since he is on camera. Either way, while it is odd, it doesn’t mean terribly much to me.

Cuomo also tells us that Morphey said he was afraid of Peterson, yet in another sentence, Morphey said that he trusted Peterson. We typically don’t trust people we are afraid of, yet when I look closely at the second statement Morphy said about trusting Peterson, he says it off the top of his tongue, without giving it much thought. Often times when we are put on the spot, like Morphey was here, we say things, that if we had given it thought, we wouldn’t have said, so I don’t put too much into this, either.

What would be Morphey’s motivation to lie at this point? I think that is key.

Morphey doesn’t hit me as a vengeful person, first and foremost, so I feel confident discounting that. Second, I don’t think it would gain Morphey anything to come out publicly, and accuse Peterson, when at the same time, he is admitting to all of his own issues. Going public with all of Morphey’s issues won’t help him any, that’s for sure.

Morphey, in my opinion, is actually being quite brave to go on television, to admit to all of his credibility issues and furthermore to admit that he thinks he helped Peterson move a dead body. You have to admire the guy at this point for being so frank. Just sadly, I don’t think Morphey will be called as witness in Peterson’s trial, should it ever make it that far.

NOTE: Regarding the other story suggestions, the video link that was supplied for the Crystal Sheffield request is not the right video. Also the other link is unavailable now for days. For me to do that story, I need updated video links. Just post them in the comment section. Thanks!

Still Married Drew Peterson is Engaged

A reader of my blog informed me this morning that Drew Peterson has confirmed that he is engaged to another young 23-year-old woman. If Peterson gets his way, this will be his 5th marriage.

Peterson, for the record, is twice this girls age as he is 54-years-old.

The woman’s name has not been released to the media, and she has not made any media appearances that I can find. The couple according to Peterson have been dating for only four months.

Mind you, Drew Peterson is still legally married to Stacy, but that hasn’t stopped him from inquiring about his legal options for a split.

[Fox News]Desertion for at least one year is grounds for divorce under Illinois law — though Peterson, as the divorce petitioner, would have to show he wasn’t at fault for causing his wife to leave, Leving said.

All I can say is I feel sorry for this woman. She must have had a horrible background like Peterson’s other exes and has a need to feel sorry for Peterson, and believe him. Her life must have been empty for her to resort to finding comfort in a man as chilling as Peterson. How sad. Let’s hope this doesn’t end as tragic as his other relationships.

You can read the story here.

Drew Peterson: One Year Later

It’s hard to believe Stacy Peterson disappeared a year ago today. So much has gone on over the past year, but sadly nothing productive enough to bring the truth to the forefront in a way that would hold the responsible party accountable–despite the confidence in the American people who believe that Drew Peterson is responsible for the death of both of his wives.

Today to mark the one year anniversary of Stacy’s disappearance, Drew Peterson and his attorney flew to New York to meet with Matt Lauer again, and Drew gave a lot less arrogant interview this time around.

Living under the umbrella of suspicion has tamed Drew Peterson’s wild side. He is clearly preparing himself mentally for the potential of life behind bars as he says and as he should. There is no denying that Drew looks tired, and worn out. We are no longer seeing this cocky man sitting on the stage thinking he is fooling us all. Clearly, Drew’s life wasn’t the cake walk he had hoped for last November.

Read moreThere wasn’t much to glean from Drew’s interview today until the very end when Matt says what do you want to say to Stacy, if you believe she is still out there? It’s not what Drew said that is remarkable, but how he said it that is.

Watch as Drew speaks. His thoughts go into himself, and then he rambles to no one “Show yourself. Put an end to this nightmare.”

Notice how he doesn’t look at anyone? Notice he doesn’t try to plead to Stacy directly by looking at the camera?

When we believe someone is alive and we are pleading to them to come home, we look straight at the camera to give our message. We say it with fervor and meaning — especially if our neck is on the line. But clearly Drew doesn’t do this. It’s palpable. It’s notable, and Drew’s behavior continues to support he is not telling us the truth.


I’ll never forget reading about the case for the first time last year, and reading an article in the Sun-Times within hours of Stacy’s disappearance. Drew Peterson hadn’t made a public comment yet so all I had to go on was Drew Peterson’s words printed in the paper, and what I read clearly gave me pause.

Drew Peterson said “I believe she’s not missing.” Those five words stopped me dead in my tracks. No one talks like that. Last year I wrote…

“I don’t like the way Peterson said ‘I believe she’s not missing.’ When people are dishonest, they often add the qualifer and descriptive text to the end [of a sentence] as an after thought. Most people would normally say ‘I don’t believe she is missing.’ They don’t start out with ‘I believe she’s’ and then tack on ‘not missing.'”


To read my review of Drew Peterson on the Today’s show last year, click here, or click on the labels below to see all I wrote about the case over the past 12 months.

Drew Peterson’s Days Numbered?

The Chicago Sun-Times is reporting today that prosecutor is close to solving one of the two cases involved with Drew Peterson.

“I fully expect there to be a resolution in at least one of these investigations in the near future,” Glasgow [Will County State’s Attorney] said in a statement timed for the one-year anniversary of Stacy Peterson’s disappearance.[Chicago Sun-Times]

I suspect that they are close to building a good case against Kathleen Savio, personally, because if they found the body of Stacy Peterson, I don’t think they would be able to have kept that quiet.

It wasn’t that long ago that medical experts shared their insight that there were key indications in the second autopsy of Kathleen Savio that indicated homicide. I suspect more pieces of the puzzle were gathered over the past several months — building a solid case against Peterson.

What do you think?