Jodi Arias Continues to Manipulate

While I haven’t seen much of Jodi’s after-conviction interview, I did see her talk about wanting the death penalty, and I don’t believe her for one minute.

I’m convinced this is another manipulation.  Jodi believes if she tells the jury this, they will give her life in prison instead, which I believe is exactly what she wants.

Jodi doesn’t fear prison half as much as she says. She knows she can still masterfully manipulate many of the people in prison, she can go after appeals–she may even be arrogant enough to think she can escape–and its possible!  She’s no dummy (thought she acted like it when cornered in court, I’ll give you that!).  And I think she has a lot of revenge she wants to dish out as well.

I don’t believe for an instance that Jodi want to die, and she shows clues in her behavior when she says it too!