Study: Psychopaths DO Feel Fear

Republica / Pixabay

Republica / Pixabay

New research out of the Netherlands has reviewed the widely held beliefs that psychopaths don’t feel fear and think the belief came about erroneously.  They actually do believe psychopaths feel fear, but they just react to it differently than you and I do.  And that makes sense to me.

I have never believed psychopaths don’t feel emotions, or “act” because they are void.  They absolutely feel all the emotions we do, but they simply feel it for themselves. They just lack empathy for others.

I can find many psychopaths displaying the seven universal emotions and they aren’t acting them out. They are truly feeling them.

Does this change how you think about psychopaths?

Check out an article on this here.

The Psychopath Brain: Is it like yours?

Interestingly, this professor and psychologist’s father was a psychopath!  Enjoy.

Jodi Arias: Does she have no emotions?

If you’ve been following the Jodi Arias trial on TV, you’ve undoubtedly caught some news shows talking about Jodi Arias and her behavior. Many people, including experts, will tell you that Jodi Arias doesn’t feel emotions–that all she does is act and mimic others because she doesn’t feel anything–as that is classic for psychopaths. It […]